Simple Methods to Cure the Typical Cold and Flu

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Today's weather might be one of the primary causes of getting a cold or flu, and in this post, I'll give you some tips that will help you a lot in fighting it.

Cold and Flu Symptoms

Cold symptoms include a runny or clogged nose, dry mouth, sneezing, coughing, migraine, and moderate fever. The flu has comparable signs, but the temperature is generally higher, with shivers and sweating, as well as muscle aches and exhaustion.


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Why do we catch a cold or flu?

Colds and flu can be caused by a variety of viruses. Breathing contaminated drops that have been sneezed or coughed into the air, or contacting an area with an active illness, are transmitted.
When the immune function is low due to weariness, stress, poor nutrition and nutrition, lack of physical activity, or smoking, the disease is more prone to arise.
Congestion and poor digestive health, according to Eastern Medicine and alternative therapies, might make you more susceptible to colds.

Cold and flu treatments

Year after year, people spend hundreds of billions attempting to avoid the suffering of the cold or flu.

Do you want to try something new?

Here are some herbal treatments that might help you get rid of a cold or flu naturally.

Vegetables Time!

Eat a lot of green onions and leeks. These plants have potent anti-influenza effects. Leeks or green onions can be added to a nutritious vegetable soup. This will cause you to sweat, but don't shower while you're sick. Simply wipe your body with a damp towel and change into your nightclothes to have a decent night's rest.

Garlic is the solution

Peel a big clove of garlic and place it in your mouth. Bite every now and then to let the organic juices out. Every 4 or 5 hours, replace with a new clove. In twenty-four to forty-eight hours, your cold symptoms should have vanished.

Stuffy Nose?

Do you have a stuffy nose? You won't experience the rebounding effect of taking too many nose drops if you consume some hot or spicy meals, which should loosen up those blocked nasal passages.

Physical Activity

Are you hungry? Try some intense activity for a few mins. Your body's increased oxygen demand will almost definitely force you to breathe deeply, which will naturally clear up your blocked nasal cavity.

No Coughs

There are numerous home treatments for coughs and sore throats. A big lemon is required for a traditional. Begin by roasting it slowly until it barely cracks open. Combine up to half a teaspoon of honey with lemon juice. Repeat every hour or so until the cough has gone.
Drink hot ginger tea if you can't stop coughing. Ginger increases blood circulation and aids in the removal of mucus from the sinuses and lungs. Bromelain, an enzyme derived from pineapple, is a natural cough suppressor that may help.


Photo by Shangyou Shi on Unsplash

Feel much better with berry

While elderberry tea has long been used to treat chest problems, scientific data now shows that consuming a standardized elderberry extract can cut your ill time in half.

Painful Throat

To relieve a painful throat, drink a tea made from mucilage herbs like marshmallows or sticky elm, which cover the throat and comfort it.

Breathe Easier

Inhaling warm steam infused with mint lavender oil is one of the most effective ways to clear blocked nasal and bronchial passages.

All of these recommendations might help you heal faster, so I hope you enjoyed this post and stay tuned for the next one.

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These are very strong and wonderful tips to put into consideration. It will go a long way in helping people who are strongly with it

That's true friend, I wish it might help someone with cold or flu symptoms.
Thanks for your nice feedback.

Hello @lennyblogs!
Very good advice that you share with us, particularly in these cases I resort to natural products because they help us a lot and make us feel better. We must eat well to provide the body with the vitamins we need and thus be able to fight this type of diseases that are very common and especially in these times we must take care of ourselves a lot. Thanks for sharing, greetings!

Excellent home remedies for the flu friend @lennyblogs, I particularly use a lot of lemon and medicinal herbs to fight the flu, when we understand that the flu virus is fought with a lot of fluids and with patience, we will stop depending so much on antihestaminics, pills and others Medicines that, in addition to being expensive, can generate other side effects.

Very good post my friend

Thanks for your comment my friend,
That's absolutely true, cold and flu can be fought by medical herbs and home remedies so I wish it can help anyone who suffers from flu symptoms.
Thanks for your comment!

Thanks for shearing this wonderful post, but i will also like add that we can help our immune system by taking vitamins since cold is a viral disease so it has no cure in particular but we can help our immune system by taking fruits and other source of vitamin.

Thanks for shearing.

That's right friend, but home remedies increase our immune system protection because we allow our bodies and WBCs to work without helping them with external chemical substances that will create a strong immune system that can fight cold and flu symptoms more strictly in the next times.
Anyway thanks for your feedback.

Thank you for these tips. Sometimes, all at once we resort to commercial drugs, forgetting that the practices of our grandmothers were also effective. Thank you for remembering this.

I appreciate that you like my post, and yes, that's right because home remedies are way better than commercial ones.
Thanks for your comment.

Nice article I can testify about garlic and lemon with honey it works really fast. I have use it before so am sure of what am saying, your research is 100% correct

Thanks my friend, I wish others can use these tips to recover more quickly as you've done.

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