Learn about the 10 most important trends that will be generated by the use of the IoT (Part one) by Karupanocitizen

In my last two publications we have been developing the topic of the Internet of Things (IoT), not only understanding what this technological development consists of, but also how it impacts the development of societies, as well as the social implications that it could generate to starting from the interaction in human-machine relationships.

The massification and generalization of the use of the IoT will bring with it a series of consequences of all kinds, the first that we will experience is the creation of "trends", that is, the increase in the natural inclination or disposition that people for joining this environment technological, that is why in this and the following article I will be listing the top 10 that will be generated from the growth of the IoT.

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Trend N ° 1: Increase in the use of devices that favor human-machine interaction and data generation.

It is estimated that there are currently about 28,000 million devices connected to the internet, from computers, tablets, mobile phones, smart TV and stop counting, this number will grow exponentially with the entry into force of the 5G connection network. The means of transport: vehicles, trains, airplanes, etc., are among the machines that are expected to be fully controlled by AI through the IoT once the connection is fast enough so that it can detect and solve problems in real-time. Likewise, the adoption of peripheral computing devices (edge ​​computing) will allow companies to process data in a much faster way and closer to the points of action.

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Trend N ° 2: The generalization of the use of AI as a fundamental element of the IoT

It is not just about generating and managing data and usage patterns of the devices that make up the IoT, to get the most out of them it is necessary to use Artificial Intelligence on a large scale, not in vain the large providers of Cloud services, such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Google, are increasingly committed to developing their artificial intelligence capabilities as a competitive tool. Likewise, there are more and more startups that try to expand their market share through artificial intelligence algorithms, taking advantage of the use of technologies based on machine learning and deep learning, processes in which AI is the main factor for processing and analysis. of data.

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Trend N° 3: Voice User Interfaces Will Dominate Device Usage

The "talking" and giving orders to all the devices in our home, will stop being fiction and will become a daily reality in our lives. Either through virtual assistants such as HomePod, Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant or directly with the software of each device, it will be very common to use only our voice, make the lights or the television turn on, that the mobile gives us a report of the main news or the weather, that the refrigerator informs us of what we should buy or that our vehicle reminds us when we must change the oil or the maintenance work of the same.

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Trend N ° 4: Exponential increase in investments in IoT

As it happens every time a new technology or consumption pattern becomes generalized, investors are on the lookout to maximize their profits by applying large capital for the development of the market, they are counted in the trillions of dollars, the investment in the IoT market planned for the next few years. As smart devices take their place in our lives and we delegate more and more tasks to them, the attractiveness of IoT startups as an investment destination will continue to increase, so obviously, this market will grow exponentially attracting traditional investors (attracted by hardware) and new investors (more inclined to software development)

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Trend N ° 5: Smart Cities and Homes

The use of 5G technology will allow all the electrical appliances of a smart home to work automatically and adapted to the needs of the user, in the same way, smart cities will have smart sensors that will allow recording all the activity that occurs in the street, from routes traveled by pedestrians, to the use of cars and the hours of highest traffic, determination, and adaptation of temperatures in public spaces, all aimed at creating a comfortable, safe and clean environment for those who live in these cities. Likewise, the IoT would enhance security and the proper use of energy and automated means of transport within the city, reducing the costs of providing services, paying taxes, and the time invested in solving problems. of the community.

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With this we conclude the first part of this series of ten trends that the use of the IoT will bring us within humanity, now I would like to know your opinion: Which of these trends do you consider the most relevant? What is your opinion on delegating human activities to machines? Would you like to live in a smart city? Come on cheer up! I would like to be able to read you in the comment box.

We keep reading!

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indeed an interesting topic of discussion.
All the trends look important though the smart home one seems something that I have been trying to implement at home

In the case of smart homes, the topic of domotics is already quite advanced, although only in closed systems, the IoT implies that each system will be part of a total environment.

Thank you very much for your valuable comment @thetimetravelerz

it is very true what you say, another aspect that will soon be adapted is that of self-driving vehicles.

Exactly friend @rubenp, in fact Tesla already markets a vehicle capable of operating guided by positioning sensors, however until it can fully interact with the rest of the vehicles it is not fully autonomous. Google on the other hand has a vehicle design that would operate with total autonomy, the problem: connectivity, it is very likely that when the 5G connections come into force this vehicle will go into production.

Thank you very much for your comment

@karupanocitizen the trend 5 is what I really look up to and I hope it will happen soon. Thanks for your post.

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