Do you know why Bulls and Bears are the most famous animals in the crypto market?

Cryptographic projects are full of an infinity of animals, all of them represent some particular characteristic or are the logo or image with which we identify some of them, so we have for example foxes, penguins, etc., but no animal symbolizes the cryptographic market so much like bears and bulls.

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Since I started in the world of crypto investments one of the first things that caught my attention was that the bear market was compared to a bear, while the bull market resembled a bull, but why? Do these animals have to do with the market? What is the true meaning of this symbolism? If, like me, these questions seem interesting to you, stay with me, and let's learn where the fame of these two animals in the market comes from financially.

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Bulls and Bears, market trends

When a market is strong, solid, with an upward trend (constant price increases) it is identified with the bull. In this type of market, those who have the power are the buyers, they are the ones who move the market upwards, in economic terms we can say that a market identified with the bull is one in which demand exceeds supply, thus raising the price of cryptocurrencies.

Otherwise, we have a market referenced by the bear. This type of market is characterized by having a downward trend (prices are constantly decreasing), those who exercise control of this type of market are the sellers who push the market prices down, this is a consequence of superiority of supply oversupply demand.

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But why are bears and bulls antagonistic?

Each of these animals represents opposite situations from the market point of view, however, both are large, strong, aggressive, and vigorous animals. Both animals have very similar characteristics of strength and character, however, they represent two so different aspects of the market that it is difficult for us to understand both representations, to understand it, we will have to go a bit to the past and refer to one of the theories that explain the symbolism of the bear and the bull.

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Wall Street and the origin of bears and bulls

As many know, the famous Wall Street is the representation or maximum world reference of the market system, not only it's very active and bustling activity, the large volumes of capital that move daily and the hundreds of films based on this market have made worthy of that title, but modern history the position as the forerunner and innovator of many of the financial market mechanisms that are implemented today.

This clarifies in advance, that the reference to bears and bulls comes from Wall Street, not from the blockchain. This dates back to the 18th century, at that time the director of the Dutch West Indies built a wall on the south side of the island of Manhattan (the US was not yet an economic power), to protect the town from attacks by wild bears, the wall also prevented the bulls from escaping. Over time that wall was torn down and in its place was built Wall Street, the most famous financial emporium in the world.

If we put a little in context, for the ancient inhabitants of New York the bull was the symbol of abundance, food, safety behind the wall, on the other hand, in the cold winter behind the wall, the only thing that You could find yourself hungry, desolate, and of course, bears.

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Other theories of the meaning of bulls and bears

In addition to the theory about the origin of Wall Street and the symbolism of abundance of bulls and lack of bears, two other theories could explain the influence of these animals on the symbolism of market behavior. One has to do with a very ancient custom and the other with the attack characteristics of each of these animals.

One of the things that most characterized the extinct Roman Empire was the circus, in this type shows it was very common to see combat to the death between men called gladiators or the execution of criminals for the amusement of the attendees, but in addition, the animals were also put on to fight, the fights between bears and bulls is one of the most important and showy that could be organized, perhaps from there that symbolic "antagonism" between both animals were generated.

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A final theory, perhaps the most deeply rooted within the world trading community, has to do with how each of these animals attacks. On the one hand, we have the bull whose lunges are made with a movement from the bottom to the top of its head and horns, which describes an upward movement (graphing an upward trend) and on the opposite side, we have the bear, whose attack technique consists of In launching strong claws or blows up and down, using a downward movement (which would represent a downtrend), this could also represent the two different existing market strategies.

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Now I would like to know your opinion on this topic, did you know the meaning of this symbolism? Which of the theories seems the most appropriate to you? Do you know of any other theory that can explain the origin of bulls and bears within the financial environment?

We keep reading!

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Hi @karupanocitizen, valla what a way to explain why the BEAR and the BULL symbolize a characteristic of the cryptocurrency market, the truth I always wondered why the BEAR represents the bearish channel and the BULL the bullish channel and with this explanation it is clear.

Hi @karupanocitizen
Interesting topic you have shared of these widely used symbology. The truth is that I had never been deeply investigated about it, I had read about Wall Street, but the other possibilities of origin were completely unknown to me.
I believe that everything has multiple explanations, and that it is difficult in this case to have a specific origin of these terms, in addition, it is well known that with the passage of time there are many variations, which makes that the meaning it has today is not necessarily with which it arose.
Thank you for this information.

Greetings @josevas217, it is a question that I always asked myself and the truth is that when something makes me curious I investigate until I am satisfied hehehe, it is possible that there are other explanations indeed, although those were the most popular, greetings bro

Hello friend, I always had that question too, I discovered it some time ago, it is something very interesting. Thanks for your explanation, very good as always. Greetings.

It is always good to satisfy our curiosity when we see things that catch our attention, I think it is one of the most entertaining ways to learn, thank you very much for your comment, friend @franyeligonzalez

Hi friend @karupanocitizen

In my case I really did not know or rather it is the first time I read about, because bulls and bears are the most famous animals in the cryptocurrency market, somehow that of the symbolism of the abundance of bulls and the lack of bears, is an analogy very consonant with what happens in the financial markets.

Best regards, be well.

Greetings friend @lupafilotaxia, a pleasure to have you here, precisely to see the market trends symbolized so many times with those two animals, was what made me curious to understand the reason for this symbolism.

Have a happy day my friend

Greetings friend @karupanocitizen, a very interesting topic that you share with us, the truth had not investigated why they used those 2 animals for the symbolism of trading, I really did not know the information, every day you learn something new and today was one of those days.

Likewise, he is my dear friend @ chucho27, every day something new is learned, it is the beauty of being open to acquire more knowledge, it is part of our growth process in this environment.


Hello dear friend @karupanocitizen, without a doubt this type of information allows us to expand our knowledge of general culture in the financial markets, I find excellent the three theories that you share with us, all have much validity and logic, thanks for educating us, have an excellent start of the week.

Thanks to you @amestyj for your comment, it is always good to learn the meaning of things within the blockchain context, that makes it much easier for us to understand how the whole environment works. Greetings my friend

First of all this is very interested topic.first of I want to be true I don't know about that seriously why this both animal are used.

You have used a very good point and explanations and I love to read the and know about the same. And I am very happy that I increase my knowledge.

Greetings @karupanocitizen entertaining read, where we can observe the analogies about bears and bulls in the crypto world and how important it is to understand the robustness of investors in any of the scenarios. Regards

Thank you very much @madridbg for your kind comment, have a great day

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