Social networks today

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Social networks are currently of great importance for society, after they began to develop each one of them around 2003, a remarkable change in generations was observed; it could be said that this marked a great before and after.

Over the years, more and more social networks were developed, such as Facebook, twitter, tiktok and Instagram, creating a great impact, making not only a space for communication between people but also an area where many people developed work of which many of these would become their occupational jobs throughout their lives. Now it is important to emphasize that these networks currently have multiple uses, as is the case of those companies that use the networks to attract customers by promoting their products through people who reach others who are in different parts of the world.

Just as it is observed that many people use these platforms, it is also observed that others show more predilection for them and this is the case of the aforementioned GENERATION Z, now the question is.

Is the massive growth of social networks due to generation z?

It is obvious that this growth is due to the presence of this generation in social networks, as scientific studies have shown the attachment that shows the z generation by technology, and this is because at the time where they developed cell phones, computers and Tablet parallel was born this generation, so they grew up feeling comfortable with technology and therefore with social networks, making these their life, since the z generation shows a great sympathy for the networks, to the point that every day shares his personal life in the same.

Is the growth of networks also affected by the time of consumption of networks by generation z?

Generation z tends to be a consumer of social networks at least 45 minutes a day, but many times this time is over spent, because they tend to be the workplace of many or simply because every day there are creators who upload more content, which is attractive to these people, so that it can be a suggestion and prove to be additive, creating more interest in them throughout the day, extending the time of consumption and increasing the interaction in the networks.