If we are together nothing is impossible. If we are divided everything will fail

in Project HOPE3 years ago

“If we are together nothing is impossible. If we are divided everything will fail. Winston Churchill.

Hello community today I want to share this phrase of an illustrious man, who went down in history for having a philosophy in which he urged to work as a team and the strength that this had by itself. Every company or project will always have difficult moments, it is normal, even life itself individually presents us with some complex situations that force us to face and overcome them, but surely you will agree with me that working as a team, in an organized and united way, these problems will be easier to overcome.

Those of us who have had the good fortune to work in a successful project, with a united team, with similar principles and needs, know that in unity there is strength. And that good results end up being the outcome.


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“Our strengths lie in our differences, not in our similarities.” Stephen Covey.

Differences between different team members are normal, they are even necessary, because they allow us to see what we need, and that is what allows complementarity. But, all this must be guided in the search for the best results that benefit everyone, of course, that is to channel the energies of all towards a common goal.

Differences allow us to value diversity, we live in a globalized world, each country and region of the world has its history and idiosyncrasy, its way of seeing life, its own problems to solve, there is no perfect country, of course, but it is clear that there are some that have a stability that puts them and their citizens in a privileged position, and often does not allow them to see or understand other realities, and even to judge them.

But, the important thing is that each one of them in their space works for the common good, and each one of us is doing our own in the space of the world we are in and with the tools we have. I do not consider anyone to be better than anyone else, we are simply different, and this difference is not necessarily by choice, but responds to a historical origin.... I will always insist, differences are necessary, but we must know them, respect them and recognize that each of us as part of a whole can contribute great things.

We must never forget that the achievements that we can obtain as a project, whatever we develop, are directly proportional to the efforts that each one of us makes.

“Arriving together is the beginning. Staying together is progress. Working together is success.” Henry Ford.

Particularly, I have lived through many complex situations at work, I have worked in places where tensions are a constant, and the only thing that has allowed "as a team " we could have good results is the fact of working together for what we had committed ourselves to, each one doing what corresponded to him/her.

Something necessary and indispensable, which ends up showing many realities as a team become present is when there are complex situations, when everything goes well it is easy for anyone to continue, however, the real responsibility and co-responsibility is implemented only when things go differently than expected.

At the end of the road, the experience that remains from difficult situations are the ones that make us grow, at least that is something I believe in, and that I have personally been able to live.

I bid farewell to the community, hoping that everything is going in the best way.

Take care, and have a great weekend ahead.

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hello @josevas217,
one of the things I believe is that if there are people who are better than others, that difference in skills allows us as people to have a frame of reference and thus be able to set personal goals that lead us to be a better version of us, improving always costs us a great sacrifice that very few people are willing to pay, I believe that if the person understands that only he is responsible for becoming a better version of himself and learn to improve for the benefit of the group, things would always be better for everyone.

I salute your words,@josevas217 it is increasingly complex to find the team spirit in a human conglomerate, I give you the example of these platforms, sometimes it is a hostile environment, when a community arises with true team purpose is always triumphant but this brings detractors. But never lose the north of being supportive and empathetic, very good post, thank you.

Hello friend, excellent phrases, as we say in the union is the strength, it is important the union, not only in the work environment but also in the personal. Our differences are what make us unique and at the same time indispensable for certain activities, we can all contribute something. Greetings.

I agree with you , if we are together we can achieve everything in life. No one can broke us if we are together. I want to say a small thing " together we can and we will make a difference".

Yeah unity is really important if one is to make headway in business or any other activity that requires team work. Not struggling to outshine each other but to complement one another

I agree with you that it must be the common goal that keeps us united in spite of differences in character, personality and thinking. Working as a team is not easy, but at the same time it is exciting and very comforting when, after going through difficult times, the objectives are achieved.

Great post, sir.

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