Can a salary kill your dreams?
”Salary is the drug they give you to make you forget your dreams.” Kevin O´Leary
To begin with, I ask the following questions: Do you agree with the previous sentence?
I know that from this question will arise a number of answers, some will support each other while others will be in total opposition, however, all in my opinion are valid, because it is simply an answer that responds to a particular reality of each of us as individuals. Well, I would like to state my position on this phrase, I would like that after you read me you can leave your impression about it. So let's start....

Some may know who Kevin O'Leary is, and some may not, but to make it simple I will say the following:
He is a Canadian investor, really a self-made millionaire, of great renown in the financial world, also with great impact in the media. He is a Canadian investor, really a self-made millionaire, of great renown in the financial world, also with great impact in the media.
To note, a few years ago he was totally against cryptocurrencies, going so far as to say publicly that "Bitcoin was worth no more than a bad Hamburger ", however, he has recently changed his mind, and admitted that he has 3% of his capital currently invested in cryptos...people have the right to change their minds..
So, let's get to the main point of the post:
Can a salary kill your dreams?
I have seen that many people who had big dreams have seen them truncated when they started to receive a salary, it seems that instead of looking for that dream they enter the daily struggle of wanting to "live quietly and safely" with a salary, then they start looking for a house, family, a car, etc.. And that's it, they forgot about their dreams, they simply entered into the normal and usual of every worker who receives a salary.

I want to clarify that I am not criticizing the fact that they have a family and everything else, but Where are their dreams?, because if his dream was to achieve what I have mentioned above, good for him, but, if not, I think that at some point in his life, looking back he will ask himself What happened to what I wanted to achieve? Why didn't I do it?...And that is where the point I would like to highlight lies.
And it is likely that getting a job with a "job security granted by a salary " has caused you to put your dreams aside and move towards "the normal ", or probably they were just dreams that you did not put on paper as a plan of action and you simply did not achieve anything because nothing was clear... it is possible.
These are things that I often think about, I am not criticizing having a salary, I particularly have had one, and it has helped me a lot, but I am currently in another position both in my life and in terms of work, and I have dreams, goals, that I want to achieve, that simply do not go hand in hand with a salary, it is not something that interests me at all.
But I can understand that taking certain risks is not for everyone, I respect that, but I have always been looking to do many things, and little by little I have been achieving them. I am well on my way in some projects, personal goals, and simply thinking about working for a salary, I see how it would limit me categorically the achievement of my goals, so at this moment, I simply do not want that "drug called salary ". Of course, I also understand that I have no family responsibilities, only my personal ones, and that gives me some freedom to take some risks.
In view of all this that I have raised so far, I would like to know your opinion.
Thank you very much for reading me.

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Hello @josevas217, I totally agree with the phrase, many times receiving a salary can mean what we know as a "comfort zone", and when the person has a great responsibility as a family and children, it is necessary to have a fixed income, what It perfectly lends itself to letting you abandon your dreams.
In contrast, we are the people who have no responsibilities beyond taking care of ourselves, it becomes easier to abandon "a salary" to pursue the dreams that we still have in mind.
This is a common situation, but not decisive, the motivation factor plays an important role.
Hello @tocho2
Yes, the fact of.not having the responsibility of a child makes that process easier, actually. One can only assume certain situations that with children we could not.
hello @josevas217 , a couple of days ago
a couple of days ago I was talking to my wife and I was telling her that no one can serve two masters at the same time because that will make one happy and neglect the other, by this I mean that if a person decides to live only with the income from a job he will never fulfill his dreams, life is made up of time and if you decide to sell your time for a minimum wage you will not have the strength or commitment to make your dreams a reality.
Well I believe salary can kill your dreams if you let it especially if you are shortsighted and all about enjoying now rather than making plans for tomorrow. Nice piece
Thanks @valchiz, that attitude is good, ultimately it all depends on ourselvesz it can take time, but if we want it and work hardz we can achieve our goals.
I am of a strong opinion that risk taking is not for everyone, some people are just extremely comfortable with earning monthly salaries and they may perform woefully if they try to dive into risk taking activities.
I agree that risk taking is definitely not for everyone. There are people who like their life quiet, limited to a fifteen and last, it is respected.
Thanks for commenting @papamensa
Good evening. It all depends on the motivations of each person. It is very important what you say from your experience, people should review what we want and act accordingly. It may not be correlated to having a salary, but to be clear with the mission and personal vision and go after those dreams that every person has.
I worked for almost three years in a company, but I did not stop working, saving to invest, until the time came when I decided to quit my job. But I was focused. thanks for commenting.
Saw many people going through a lot because they only rely on salary for almost their whole life and also because they thought it's always safe, but with this pandemic we are in, I'm pretty sure many people realized that's it is time to make a move and change if they still want to live 'safely, so I think it's the best time for them to wake and achieve their dreams and goals.
Great blog by the way!
Hi @lennyblogs
Thank you very much.
Yes, thinking about safe jobs is absurd, none is, now under this world context we have that much clearer. Even hH people are still unemployed, they have always.been under that form of labor, and will hardly change, but equally there were many people who completely refused to succumb to the pandemic and have achieved great things.
It's all in oneself.
i am agree with whatever has been said by Kevin O'Leary. And obviously salary kill your dreams and this is the reason for leaving my job. I was left my cashier job because i always wanted to do any business and in business you have opportunity to expand expand your money making process.
I congratulate you for this step, few people dare to take it. I did the same, and since I quit my job, I have done 100 times better. Of course, I prepared myself to take that step. But it is always worth it, the mind is activated to look for alternatives.
Thanks for commenting @luckyali, and good luck.
Greetings friend, I really believe that the false sense of security that a salary gives you numbs your desire to pursue your dreams, in many cases because they represent a risk or because we have acquired so many responsibilities that we are afraid to let go of something secure for something uncertain even though it could be much better.
In my country, salaries have destroyed the dream of millions of honest and hardworking people, it has broken that relationship where the value of the salary is directly proportional to the physical or intellectual effort to perform certain activities, and to break this relationship with it have broken the dream of an entire people. @josevas217 your approach in a good way is reflective since we have left aside projects and our goals, it is time to go after them and revive our dreams.
While the idea of having a job is not a bad notion since we all cant be CEO of a company definitely some people are meant to work for salary pay while some might find it very difficult.
The whole idea is to know what you want to achieve at the end of the day.
Thanks for sharing.