Has the whole evolutionary process been beneficial?

in Project HOPE3 years ago

The evolution that we as a civilization have had is supposed to be to have a better world than the one we have, and in a certain way we have, as a society deeply rooted in technology we can say that we have advanced to a great extent, however, in other areas there is much to consider to say that we have advanced.

This same evolution in terms of technology has led us to have a disaster, literally in terms of caring for the planet. I'm sure you will agree with me on this point. We know, if we study history a little, that human beings in their millions of years of evolution have needed to adapt to the environment in order to survive, and with this they have been creating tools that start from the natural in order to have more options for survival.

But the great detail in all this process of evolution is that the damage to the planet has been inevitable, there I enter into a kind of discussion with my inner self, Has it been worth it?



All processes have made life easier for us, technological development, from the basic axe of primitive man composed of a piece of wood and a rock allowed them to cope with larger and larger animals that in turn served as food and their skin for making clothing, this was the primitive technology, which gradually brought us to what we are now as a human race.

The evolution continued, the advances in technology has been in the last decades truly amazing, but if we consider the damages currently facing the planet earth, the question remains if it has been worth it, at least for me.

I can't say that I don't enjoy all the comforts we have now as a result of evolution, but looking to the future I must say that I feel some concern. Because we know that the countries that have more progress and development are precisely those that cause more damage to the world by the pollution they generate, by the indiscriminate logging for the use of wood, mining and oil exploitation, all this that "characterize the developed countries" is precisely what is seriously affecting the health of the planet.

I know very well that this discussion has been going on for decades, but the reality is that although possible solutions are discussed in meetings and on paper, it seems that the reality is still the same, or getting worse.

I know that those of us who have power can do very little, although by adding efforts we can achieve great things, the detail is that currently no one wants to risk, and it is logical, we know that confronting the great powers can bring great risks, but if everything continues as it is going in a few years there will be no world to fight any battle.

For reading my publication thank you very much.

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hello @josevas217

humanity by its characteristics is predisposed to advance and evolve, in that sense it is part of our nature to colonize and explore the unknown for that we invent machines that allow us to do more and more with less effort what we understand as "technology", Therefore technology is not bad or good, The problem comes when people without values depredate the land to achieve wealth, as in Venezuela, where gold mining is destroying the soil, this problem is not of technology but of people who came to power to exploit a country without thinking about the future.

In my opinion, the evolutionary process has brought both the good sides and the flip side. Looking at it holistically, we have adapted to survive because of evolution. There are many features we have picked up, all thanks to evolution. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages even to the planet itself.

Nice piece here buddy. Excellent read

Thanks for commenting @samminator
Like everything, it definitely has it's upside and downside.

Hi @josevas217.

A great delivery as you have accustomed us friend, the human being through time has had the imperious need to adapt to the environment, where, develops its existence, this has made it has to be in constant evolution, and thus, extraction of any kind of learning of the environment that surrounds us.

One of the aspects from my point of view that has allowed us to evolve is to have been able to interpret as much as possible any type of phenomenon that develops next to us, and in this way we have transformed it into countless tools such as technological applications that have given us so much welfare, however, it is important to highlight what you very well express:

I cannot say that I do not enjoy all the comforts we have now as a result of evolution, but looking to the future I must say that I feel some concern. Because we know that the countries that have more progress and development are precisely those that cause more damage to the world by the pollution they generate, by the indiscriminate logging for timber, mining and oil exploitation, all this that "characterizes the developed countries" is precisely what is seriously affecting the health of the planet.

I share your concern friend since technological advances and in any field, can not justify the imbalance that has been generated in the health of our home as is the planet Earth, and this is what we as humanity have to take care of, that is, take care of the future for generations to come, however, the task is not easy because the most powerful impose their will, but, at some point their actions will be returned against themselves and hopefully by then it will not be too late for all of us.

Thank you for sharing such essential content with all of us as it allows us to appreciate in some way our beautiful home on Earth. Greetings and much success.

I think the only evolution in which we have been able to see a breakthrough is the evolution as a species during all these thousands of years, and in relation to technological evolution there are already many variables that make us discern some advantages and disadvantages.

Greetings friend and thank you for your valuable contribution.

Everything in life has advantages and disadvantages and so it the evolution, you will get new technology that will make your life easier but you will consume other elements from the world because that's how everything is, you have to sacrifice for other things to live or be born. So for me, I'm neutral about the whole situation, for now, since also developed countries started considering environmental issues and take care of them, so one by one it will spread to other countries and then we can bring back what we lost (If possible)

Nice read as always, thanks for sharing!

I also believe that it is possible to recover what has been damaged, it is also necessary to do so. But, time will tell. Thank you for commenting

Nothing is perfect but our specie need to respect our blue planet.

Yes, we definitely need to respect it more, we live in it, for it. It's not the opposite. Thank you.

This has really been a great topic of concern to the world since man can not get rid of his environment as we can not afford to abandon technology and innovation ways of minimizing this pollution will be the only lasting solution for now thanks for sharing.

We cannot leave technology, that is very true, but neither can we abandon the world, at least not for now, it is up to us to take care of it, there is no other way. Thank you for commenting

evolution is mandatory as long as man live .. it a sign of growth, i feel the problem is not that we evolve but the way we went about it, and if im not mistaking there are remedies being put in place to counter those mistakes like going green, and other change that do less harm to mother earth.
great post we can all do our best in making the earth a better place, it is a collective effort.

I agree very much, the effort must be collective, I alone can not do much, only in my environment, which is small, but the sum of all if it does a lot. Thank you for commenting.

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