in Project HOPE3 years ago

Teamwork has a great impact on business growth has it has to do with different set of people coming together with different idea, suggestion and opinion.


Teamwork has both positive and negative impact on business growth but against this post will be making more emphasize on the positive aspect and little of the negative impact will be discussion as you further read this post.
There is a saying that “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” This implies that any business organization that want to grow and remain in operation most activate or emphasize team work.

Briefly I will give an explanation on what teamwork is all about and its negative and positive impact on business growth

A team is a group of people who work together toward a common goal. People on a team collaborate on sets of related tasks that are required to achieve an objective.

Work is both something that we do for money and the place that we go to every day.
Teamwork can be define as a the process by which several associates with each doing a part but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole.

Negative impact of Teamwork on business growth

Employee Assessment Problems: It becomes more impossible for one to know or determine performance level.

Longer time to execute plan: It brings about longer time of execution of plan as individual brings their different idea and perspective of matters.

Personality Clashes, Reduced Innovation, Blame and Responsibility Issues e.t.c

Positive impact of Teamwork on business growth

Increases productivity
In a team, workload is shared among team members with different skill sets and expertise. Members join their powers together to do a better job, in a shorter time frame than a single person ever could.

Provides opportunities for learning
Having people with different skills, levels of experience, and abilities working together does not only mean that they will work better and faster. While interacting over work issues, they are also sharing their knowledge with each other. They’re growing together and improving their abilities. They learn from their teammate’s experience and they keep discovering new ways of doing things.

Its forecast effective communication
Besides the team members, there are other factors that influence teamwork, of which the most important are leadership, team size, motivation, and technology. However, there is one key concept that makes effective teamwork possible in the first place, and that is communication.
This is where the role of the team leader is crucial. They need to make sure that everybody is on the same page when it comes to understanding the work requirements and their part in the team. Team communication is not always that easy. There are lots of issues to be overcome when working with teams: everyone needs to understand their role, the process, and the tasks.

Its brings about diversification
When working on your own, you only have a single perspective over things. While that is not intrinsically wrong, it can be very restricting. On the other hand, working with a team offers different perspectives and ideas, which might end up bringing much better results.

Effective teamwork brings about increase in productivity and much of benefits to company. With planning and strategy, but also with the help of technology and good leadership, you can achieve better team productivity.

Thank you for going through my post, Upvote and comment will go a long way to help me in my further post.


Team work is really important in a business growth. Most times team work can help to achieve beyond what we imagine of

Exactly sir

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