Why we should interact more

in Project HOPE4 years ago

hv 27.4.png

Maybe you wonder why I've taken a picture of a lemon to illustrate this post...
For me lemons remind me of a very nice period in my life when I had the feeling that everything was about interaction.

Why I associate a lemon with interaction

After I finished high school and the compulsory military service in Switzerland, I didn't feel ready to continue my professional path. The miliatary service had quite a bad impact on me and I needed something new. I came up with the idea to go 3 months to spain to learn the language. I left Switzerland and with no spanish knowledge at all, I travelled to El Puerto de Santa Maria in the southern provinz of Anadalusia.

It was such a beautiful place and every morning I walked 30 minutes from the house of my host family to the language school in the historic center of the town. This school had a big Patio, an interior garden and in this garden there was a huge lemon tree. I've spent hours around this tree in deep conversation and debates with people from all over the world. This is why the lemon is for me a kind of symbol for talking and exchanging. This was a real highlight.

We need to exchange more and come together in thoughts and discussions

I realized that with the development of the internet, people where more and more finding interaction in areas that supported their own line of thoughts. We go to the places where we hear what we want to hear and this makes us believe that everybody thinks like us. This makes it difficult to understand people that have actually a different point of view. I believe that this translates into a lack of tolerance and understanding.

Building your opinions

I think it is necessary that we try to interact with people that do not share our thoughts or beliefs. I find in challenging to talk with others and to try to understand their point of view without judging. I think it is also important to keep a certain open mind and to maybe evaluate if the other persons opinion has some truth in it.

The secret is to keep it civilised

On social media platforms, I often see that people don't try to listen to others and prefer to ridiculise them and their line of thought. Why can't we interact in a civilised way with people who think differently? I believe it is because we are not used to it anymore. That is why I believe we should interact more, especially with people who share other thoughts than we do.

If we believe that we are always right, how can we learn anyhting at all? We learn from the others, from reading them, from listening to them and from evaluating their message and maybe from adopting part of it...

Let's interact more on this blockchain, let's do it in a civilised way and let's learn from the others. Let's do in a way that respects their beliefs and their integrity.


A project run by @achim03


On social media platforms, I often see that people don't try to listen to others and prefer to ridiculise them and their line of thought.

I always see this type of things a lot on social media, and it makes me feel really bad. A lot of people just want to talk because the want to be noticed that they talk but the truth is people shouldn't talk unless they have something meaningful to say.

It is quite true what you say. I also often check out online newspaper articles and I read the comments of the readers. It is amazing how much energy is spent by critizising what other readers write.

 4 years ago 

Hola @achim03

Buena analogía cuando utilizas el limón,
De hecho en Venezuela las personas que no hacen interacción con otras suelen ser catalogadas como personas ácidas como un limón.

Te escribí en español en vista que mencionas que pasaste un tiempo en España. Creo que una vez me mencionaste que también usted vino a Venezuela.

Good analogy when you use lemon,
In fact, in Venezuela people who do not interact with others are often classified as acidic people like a lemon.

I wrote to you in Spanish since you mention that you spent time in Spain. I think you once mentioned to me that you also came to Venezuela.

Hola @lanzjoseg,
Muchas gracias por tu commentario. Intento escribir en espagnol sin ayuda electronica. De verdad hace mucho tiempo que no he tenido la opportunidad de hablar espanol. Lo entiendo bastante bien pero ya sin practica se lo he olvidado un poco.

Mi Tio trabajaba como instructor de vela en Isla Margerita en los anos 90 y vine a visitarlo ahy 2 vezes. He visitado Caracas y la Isla Margerita pero esto fue mas o menos hacia 20 anos. Creo que Venezuela ha cambiado mucho desde estos dias.


Interaction on social media is usually ignored because there are people who are really rude on social media.

It is true that in general the language used on chats, comments and social media is quite rude. I believe that on steem it is refreshing to see that people can also write constructive things.

Learning is an act that has to be continued, interactions should produce learning and the process of learning should never have any reason to stop.

I totally agree with you. The day you stop learning, your life can become quite dull. Thanks for your comment !

It's a pretty cool post buddy @happyvoter
I very much agree with your position, we have to interact, here and in real life. Of course after quarantine he he
Interesting experience you must have had in Spain.
Pretty radical change, I guess. But I imagine it's been rewarding and a lot of learning.

Thanks @josevas217,

It was indeed a very interesting experience that I had in Spain. I learnt the language during 3 months and I liked it so much there that once I arrived in Switzerland, I took my mom's car and I drove all the way back to Spain and stayed for another 3 months in the house of friends ;-). It was a big challenge but when I look back it was a wonderful time!

Best regards,

Wow, that's how much you liked it that you came back?
That's good.
Very good friendships I guess you made. Congratulations

¿Entiendes algo de español entonces?
Esa si es mi lengua natal.

Very good friendships I guess you made. Congratulations

Yes definitely

Podemos communicar en espanol. Unfortunamente ya tengo muy poca practica y my espanol de vez en cuando no parece ser espanol...

Es normal algo de complicación al enfrentarse a otro idioma amigo @happyvoter
Me pasa igual con el inglés. Estoy aprendiéndolo. Lo entiendo cuando lo leo,casi todo. Pero al escucharlo es más complicado. pero, ahí voy, en eso estoy.

 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

 4 years ago 

Hi @happyvoter, @achim03

Finally I found some time to catch up with reading all previously bookmarked publications.

I was actually wondering why did you use picture of lemon hehe :) Are you reading in my mind? Or perhaps I'm so predictable lol

Why I associate a lemon with interaction

I associate a lemon with vodka and coca-cola hahahaha :)

The miliatary service had quite a bad impact on me and I needed something new.

Could you tell me more about it? I never knew you were badly impacted by military service.

Why can't we interact in a civilised way with people who think differently?

Strange isn't it? People like to have their own strong opinions and being hostile towards those who disagree. Majority of humans do not know how to listen to others, how to accept that someone else can have very different view. Humans are generally awful cretures lol :))

Enjoy your day, upvoted already.
Yours, Piotr

 4 years ago 

Hi Piotr,
Thanks a lot for your comment.

I had a difficult time in the army. I was doing a lot of sport and I went to the army believing that it was all about exercice and sport. So I was sent to the elit unit of Switzerland and I quickly learned that I had a totally wrong perception of the thing. I was not so much in learning how to kill people in the most efficient way ;-). For me it was a troubling time especially in a psychological way.

Majority of humans do not know how to listen to others, how to accept that someone else can have very different view. Humans are generally awful cretures lol :))

I have to agree with that. In a way people always want to be listened to but they don't want to listen themselves...

Have a nice day,

Best regards,

When interaction is natural the conversation will flow smoothly. I meam someone with easy and interactuve topic naturally will drag conversation from their topic

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