The Harder You Work The Luckier You Get

in Project HOPE4 months ago


Many people wish for luck to be on their side in in their lives, but they don't work hard. And this is not correlated, because whenever a person wants luck, he needs to work harder. But lots of people want luck without any efforts on their part.

But life doesn't work that way. Sometimes, you need to look at the richest people around you, and see how hard they work, day and night. And sometimes how they sacrifice time with their family and friends, just to make sure they meet up with deadlines and appointments.

Some people argue that luck cannot be controlled - insinuating that it's out of their control. This isn't a good way to look at luck. It's far more helpful to you, to think about luck from the perspective of - the harder you work, the luckier you get.

And it's good thinking, because the odds are always in favor of the man who puts in more hours of work. If you take professionals in any walk of life for example, these people have studied harder and longer, than the average people on that subject.

Thus, saying that - the harder a person works, the luckier the person gets is very correct in perhaps all cases. And that's why lazy people hardly ever find luck, because as they say, "Fortune favors the bold." The bold is someone who puts his energy into getting the results that he wants in life.


Hard work never get fail, it returns you anywhere in life

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