Controlling Your Pride

in Project HOPE8 months ago

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As you probably know, pride in itself; isn't a bad thing to have as a human being, the problem is when you have it in excess. In normal cases, as an individual, you should feel proud of yourself, and the person that you've worked hard to become.

But when that pride grows out of control, and turns into arrogance - that's when there's a big issue. Because at this point, you're not just proud of yourself, you've started looking down at other people, as lesser than yourself. And you tend to treat people harshly.

Especially when you start seeing good results for your hard work, sometimes it can make you feel overly excited; and you start feeling angry with other people who you feel aren't as smart and hard working as yourself.

The person who has excess pride in himself and his achievement, quickly forgets that he needs other people around him. And perhaps he got to that height of success with the help of others, which may include: a coach, a team, or a supporting friend.

You need to learn to keep that humility inside of yourself, even with all of your achievements that you're proud of. Nobody is an island, you'll always need people to patronize you and do business with you. Hence, don't treat other people who aren't as successful as yourself inferior.


Pride in itself is highly destructive, humility is what brings us better things in life.

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