Hello friends, I hope you are very well, today I will talk about a topic that we all like, because I know that we all would like to reach that part of our lives, to reach that great goal. LIVING A LIFE WITH FINANCIAL FREEDOM¨.

It really is not as difficult as it seems, we just have to work with intelligence and not just to survive, we must think about why we do things, what is the purpose and what benefit it brings us. We must always go beyond.



I think we can follow some steps to reach the freedom we want so much, I recommend the following:

CONTROL OUR SPENDING, I believe that many times we exceed in expenses that are not really necessary, including myself, today I am trying to set limits to make a good use of my money. We women usually want to spend much more than men, so I think we should start making a difference and think more as investors or entrepreneurs.

ELIMINATE OUR DEBTS AND TRY NOT TO ACQUIRE NEW ONES, an excellent idea, fortunately my partner and I since we are here in Colombia we have never had the need to get into debt and we have always been very responsible with our rent and food expenses. I think this is a great advantage, plus it saves us a lot of stress.

ACQUIRING KNOWLEDGE, it is always good to educate ourselves, whether it is in our area or in something new, knowledge will always be useful, it will be a great benefit.



BUILDING SEVERAL INCOME SOURCES, nowadays with everything that has happened, I think we have realized that it is important to have several sources of income, we will never know if our supposedly stable salary may end and leave us without an income. Little by little you can create an empire.

Creating an Emergency Fund, is super important, you never know what circumstances may arise that prevent us from being able to move forward with our work or simply our health is affected, it is always best to have savings to have greater security and to be able to be somewhat calm for several months and why not, 1 year.

My partner and I are currently doing just that, saving to have several months covered and thus be able to work much calmer.

We must also INVEST INTELLIGENTLY, as well as we must create several money inflows, we must invest in assets, and research to do so in a clear and intelligent way.

REINVESTING OUR EARNINGS, which seems to me to be a good option, the idea is to grow exponentially, so the more we invest, the more profits we should obtain.

ALL THIS WITH THE PURPOSE OF LIVING A LIFE WITH PASSIVE INCOME, not having to spend 15 hours of our life in a job that many times we don't even like, we can't stand our boss or receive bad treatment, it is not worth sacrificing so much for a few pesos or dollars. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT ALMOST 5500 hours of our life per year, it is a considerable sum in my opinion.


Thank you very much for reading, I hope you will follow my advice!




hello @franyeligonzalez,
one of the things that generates new opportunities in
life are to create new sources of income and learn constantly, from my point of view these are the two things that generate a permanent change in the lives of people one generates you capital and the other helps you to know what to do with that income.

Hello friend, yes, thanks for your comment, greetings!

Hello @franyeligonzalez

It is true "It really is not as difficult as it seems, we just have to work smart and not just to survive, trying to get resources just to survive can inevitably lead us to a dead end, the key as you rightly say is to be responsible with our expenses, and set short, medium and long term goals.

Best regards, be well.

Hello friend, that's right, we must be smart when we want to achieve our goals. Greetings and thanks for commenting.

I will have to agree with you that most times we women have more expenses than men and I am also seriously trying to cut down on these things so that I can build my finance.

That's true my friend, greetings!

Hi dear @franyeligonzalez
I agree with you, our peace and quiet is very important, we can achieve this by achieving the desired financial freedom.
Thank you for this excellent reading.
Best regards.

Hello friend, thank you for commenting!

There is nothing better in the world than having financial freedom, you make your time your greatest ally and this is fantastic.

Yes, my friend, greetings!

I LOVE THIS @franyeligonzalez!

Especially about eliminating debt and have a passive income. Super excellent advise!

Hello friend, thank you for your comment.

Accurate points raised, financial freedom is isn't impossible but you have to work for it.

Hello friend, thank you for your comment.

Hello @franyeligonzalez I really liked the recommendations you leave us here, very true, it is a challenge to live with financial freedom, I think we all want it, but we must strive to be disciplined and put into practice everything you advise...thanks for sharing!

Hello friend, thank you for your comment.

Financial freedom is the topic that most of the people don't know about it. Children should be teached in small age this concept so that in future they can learn and follow this concept.

Hello friend, thank you for your comment.

My goals in life have always been to reach a point of financial independence. Seems like you need money to make money, I am having difficulty with the making money part.

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