Will There be a rise of Modern Zaibatsu? The Government or The Corporation

in Project HOPE4 years ago

You must have heard about Zaibatsu? To so many people it looks like I just mentioned a new English world or vocabulary that needs to be checked on the internet. Well, Google could do the trick. You might have heard about the “Big Four” I mean Sumitomo, Mitsui, Mitsubishi, and Yasuda. The Japanese companies that had significant control over a large of the Japanese economy. These conglomerates had built empires that their power and influence among citizens made them powerful than the government in some economic aspect and this companies used it to their advantages. I am sure you have an idea of what a Zaibatsu mean now.

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Can Zaibatsu still exist in any country?

Literally, it was said that the Meiji restoration and the industrial revolution brought an end to Zaibatsu in Japan but can we say there will be nothing like Zaibatsu anymore or are we saying that it can never exist again.

Forbes always bring a list of the most influential people in the world and the technology has made information easier to disseminate with the use of social media. Is it possible that some of this most powerful and influential people who have the finance, resources and backings still control a lot of countries. Do you think that CEOs and Chairpersons of corporations, Mob heads, Billionaires, past political figures still control the activity of the regular Joe who is an average person? Yes they do, they do affect our economy and in most cases control it indirectly with their influences.


Permit me but I might have to list a few corporations and families that might not be any stronger than the government but at the same time are not any less powerful than the government they are Walmart, ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, Apple, Glencore, Samsung Electronics, Amazon, Microsoft, Vodafone, Nestle, McDonalds, Huawei Technologies, Alibaba, Twitter, and Emirate. This conglomerate affect different sectors of the economy worldwide and in a more simplified way, I could say they aren’t stronger than the government but they are the government as they have a say in so many actions that takes place in countries aren’t new to them.

I can say we have a disguised Zaibatsu in the world currently but this time around, they aren’t proven to be stronger than the government rather they are able to influence the workings of the government. They start with the itty bitty of governance to the major aspect of it without overthrowing the government.

Do you think there are modernize ways of Zaibatsu in the world now? You could leave your thoughts, suggestions and facts in the comment section. Till next time.


Bilderberg society (illuminati) are always involved in these circles of power that control our lives, it has always been like this and as a paranormal investigator and lover of conspiracy theories, I attest to this. The world is dominated by a few, but that does not mean that some rebels cannot walk away and follow our own rules. It is a matter of being rational and intelligent, and not following the flock wherever it goes.

I am also a strong believer of not ignorantly following the crowd, it is better to remain on a safe lane than joining them in the race and getting into trouble.

 4 years ago 

Hi @eni-ola
In the modern world and in the future world, there will always be Zaibatsu.

Those who have economic power will not lose it so easily. those groups will continue to dominate

Yes, I think so too and this thirst for power never dies off.

No one person, or faction, can rule a society without cooperation from those who hold power in various activities that make a functional society possible. From the hectic boardrooms of industrial oligarchs to seedy backrooms of mafiosi, those who imagine themselves in position to govern must gather cooperation, or at least tacit assent, of the various interests, if he and his faction is able to survive. Whether monarchy or "democracy," the primary purpose of any government is to first distribute resources to those powers within the social structure, whose cooperation is necessary for those in government to be able to rule. Government is nothing more than a consensus of various factional powers that agree upon established resource distribution. Those in government, who foolishly attempt to disrupt the existing consensus, either die in miserable conditions, or must spill oceans of blood in revolution.

Microsoft, Nestle, Coca-cola, etc. are transient corporate entities that exist at the whim of those who control the flow of currency. Those who control the coin of currency, represent one faction of a social matrix. Another supplies those necessary luxuries (drugs, slaves, organs, etc), frowned upon by the masses, but nonetheless are critical elements of proper functioning economy. The army of legal bureaucrats that legitimise government actions against their subjects represent another important faction. The moral philosophers in academia and religion maintain another important seat at the table of powerbrokers. Most importantly, those who control the mechanism to inflict death and destruction must be appeased and recruited, if any ruler imagines himself master. Those who hold the reigns of power are unseen and unknowable. Those who are in the spot-light are pawns and nonentities. The true Zaibatsu are hidden.

This is really serious, I was having a discussion with a friend and we agreed that those really ruling are not the faces we see, those faces are just a means to perpetuate the decisions made by this ruling forces. Thanks a lot for the great contribution.

 4 years ago 

Strategic partnerships will always exist. When these occur between large companies that cover important areas of the economy of any nation or region, we should study the reasons that led to this union.
If everything arose legitimately or was it a strategy with dark intentions of domination.
Many times a competitive environment is better between these giants, compared to the associations.

If everything arose legitimately or was it a strategy with dark intentions of domination

I do not have an answer to this, but i feel if it is truly legitimate, other people who have tried in these industries, would have taken over or gotten close to them at some point.

 4 years ago 

Perhaps the true information will never be handled. But we can always make our personal appreciations

I think zaibtatsu really still exists in most countries, it's just that they are not known by a given name.

Well, maybe they are known by a given name that the public is not aware of.

One reason why I am usually not too fast to judge politicians is because I know they have to either dance to the tune of those in power or loose everything.

You are right. There is always a very long chain of people and corporations that determine how certain sectors still work in a country.

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