International Dengue Day

in Project HOPE3 years ago



Dengue is a Metaxenic Disease: it requires the pregnant Aedes mosquito to inoculate the Dengue virus into the blood of the parasitized person in the first phase of its hematophagic feeding.

In other words, when a pregnant female Aedes is going to feed on your blood, she regurgitates (returns) the digestive contents full of Dengue virus into the blood vessel from which she sucks the blood, you get the disease.

Aedes mosquitoes lay their eggs in clean water and shade, where they hatch..

If we permanently cover the ponds, pools, pipes, pipes, buckets, pots where we keep water, the mosquito will not lay eggs in your home or work and there will be no blood-sucking Aedes mosquitoes (mosquitoes) that transmit Dengue.


Hello friend, we know that it is a disease that we can see a lot in our country, but we also have information about it and we must take care of ourselves and practice prevention measures. Greetings.

 3 years ago 

Definitely the first time I read that there is an international day of Dengue, wow what one learns.
Terrible this disease an old friend lost his life to it, he got the hemorrhagic type and well he passed away.

I wouldn't be surprised to read International covid-19 day and its variants.

I think more people should be sensitised on the ways to prevent dengue fever by eliminating the likelihood of breeding the aedes mosquito. If people get to know more about it, I believe it will reduce the cases of this disease.

Excellent read buddy. Thanks for sharing

Hello @eliorrios

Wow, this I didn't know, imagine even dengue day its privileged day once a year, it came to my mind when reading your title, happy people having parties celebrating with lots of white footed mosquitoes, and can't help but think of the bites that would be counted at the end of the day lol.

Best regards, be well.

Hi @eliorrios, thanks for sharing this information, as this disease is very common these days but we don't have the information of its transmission process as you just detailed here. Greetings

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