Steem Entrepreneurs Program : Cryptomission

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

The opportunities that exist to create new dapps that work with Steemit are striking. In the midst of this, we were impressed with the Steem Entrepreneur Program at Steemit. We believe that the more projects with interesting ideas on Steem, the more valuable Steem will be. Thanks to the Steemit team. link: Steem Enterpreneurs Program

Our team is developing a Steem mobile dapp called Cryptomission. We hope this service will help the Steem community become more active.

Table of Contents

  • a succinct outline of the idea
  • details of who would be involved in the project
  • who the intended audience is
  • how the project is to be set up and developed
  • current state of cryptomission
  • what resources are needed to get the project up and running
  • how the project will be marketed
  • how progress and success will be monitored and measured
  • what the plan is to make the project/service sustainable

1. A succinct outline of the idea

Cryptomission is designed to create good habits through the compensation system of Steem block chain and help these habits develop into potential daily behaviors to improve the quality of life.

The compensation policy is one of the useful policies to induce strong motivation and goal-oriented behavior. Participants in the Cryptomission perform missions, form good habits, and are rewarded if they succeed in the mission. The proportion of the individual participation fee of the total amount of the failed participants is calculated and the amount is distributed as compensation.

You can participate in the mission by depositing Steem, and at the same time as the mission certificate is automatically posted on Steem Blockchain for additional upvoting.

When you achieve your mission completely, your participant fee will be refunded and you will get reward and prizes. The more money you bet, the more you take out of the prize pool.

For example, 3 people participated in the mission “Wake up at 6 am 3 times a week”. Felix paid 30 STEEM, Terry 20 STEEM and Jacob 10 STEEM. Felix completed the mission with 100% success, Terry 100%, and Jacob 50% success. Since Jacob only completed 50% of the mission, 5 STEEM, which is 50% of the participation fee, becomes a prize money distributed among the other participants.


2. Details of who would be involved in the project

Our team is made up of team members with excellent skills in fields such as business, marketing, and development. A total of 8 people are in Korea and Vietnam.

@sct.tom (Tommy)

  • B2C, B2B ecommerce expert
  • Developed various blockchain dapp, exchange market
  • Steemcoinpan(sct) team member (sct is one of popular Steem community)
  • CEO & Professor in IT field (Jason)

  • Steemcoinpan(sct) team member
  • New Business Developer
  • MBA, International Business

@jacobyu (Jacob)


  • Full stack developer
  • Developed 3d graphic projects
  • Software maestro program trainee
  • Samsung software membership


  • Masterchain Project Planning and Management
  • Planning & Strategy of cryptocurrency
  • Blockchain BM Consulting
  • Executive member of the Fintech Blockchain Association

Linh Ho (Louis) - CEO of Runi Solutions

  • developed Blockchain Core, dapp, E-learning Platform
  • Research Assistant in KIST
  • Lecturer of Ho Chi Minh University of Technology
  • MEng, computer engineering in Ulsan University

HOANGNAM BUI (David)- Runi Solutions CTO

  • Over 5 years of project managing experience in Smart Factory & Smart Ordering.
  • MEng, computer engineering in Chonnam National University
  • HCM University of Technology

Hang Nguyen (Helen), Ph.D - Runi Solutions COO

  • Ph.D Environment Engineering, Sejong University
  • Ehwa University - Post Doctoral Researcher
  • Research Professor, Dep. of Environment Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology

3. Who the intended audience is

The three below are the main targets.

  • People who want to keep a habit and get rewards
  • People who want to keep a habit, even if they bet their money
  • People who want to write on Steem and get more rewards

Our application is aimed at users who want to maintain their habits. Currently, less than a month has passed since we launched it, and we are very excited to know that it is already being used in several countries.

What is impressive is that users from countries like India, Venezuela, Pakistan and Colombia are participating in the missions. Our application not only can help all our users to maintain good habits, but also they receive a compensation when using our application.

We want to target users in Southeast Asia and countries on the continent of Africa, as well as countries in Latin America. In particular, we are planning marketing activities in Southeast Asia, focusing on Vietnam.


4. How the project is to be set up and developed

Our roadmap is as follows. The goal is global targeting and support for multiple platforms and cryptocurrencies.


This is what has been done so far. We launched iOS and Android app. It also opened the Steem community and discord channel. If you have any questions, you can come to discord and ask.

5. Current state of cryptomission

We have started cryptomission for about one month. we would like to report the state of cryptomission based on google analytics and Steem blockchain history. We have received valuable feedbacks from these users. We are improving user experience based on those feedbacks.

  • The number of missions we provide : 11 missions
  • The number of users who participate missions : 181 people
  • Accumulated participant fee : 4,090 STEEM

6. What resources are needed to get the project up and running

1. Marketing resources

We need resources to promote our service. It would be great if the Steemit team could help promote Twitter and Steemit posts.

2. Steem power

We need Steem power to motivate our users. There are two ways of motivation.

  • Mission prize money
    To attract users, the higher the mission prize, the better. We have no profit, but we are using our money to support prize money for promotion.
  • Voting to mission participants
    To further motivate users, We would like to vote. This helps users consistently complete the mission.

7. How the project will be marketed?

The reason we applied to Steem Entrepreneurs Program is for marketing and support.

We are also looking for several ways to promote. we participated in the dapp hackathon (Jeju samsung blockchain hackathon) and have plan to launch our app to samsung blockchain store. In addition, like challenges on Steemit, we plan to stimulate the interest of users by placing big prize money on the missions.

We are currently communicating with the @project.hope team and receiving feedback from users. we plan to promote it to a wider variety of communities. What is cryptomission? | Achieve missions and get rewards

8. How progress and success will be monitored and measured

Cryptomission can measure the success of the project as the number of participants and the larger the participation fee gathered, the more consistently users do. It is measured in two ways.

Cryptomission is a mobile app service, and google analytics is attached to the app. Through google analytics, we can see the approximate location of participants and whether users are consistently using the app.


We transparently manage participation fees and prize money using the steem blockchain. As shown in the picture below, you can see the details of participation fee and distribution of prize. In addition, you can see mission photos shared by users in steemit blog. cryptomission mission photos


Using the data collected in two ways, we will register our app on dapp list sites such as and


9. What the plan is to make the project/service sustainable

We should make our service sustainable. we are trying to do our best. There are three main things for it.

  • Expansion strategy to not only steem blockchain but also tron blockchain.
  • We will make a lot of fun and meaningful missions.
  • If enough traffic is expected, it will make profits with B2B in the future.

Thanks for reading this far. Cryptomission will try to become the representative dapp of the steem community. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


Nice project presentation.

Interesting app idea.

But, two key issues must be...

a) Verification
b) Scalability

The second is directly connected to the first - the more human verification required, the more difficult the scalability.

The concept seems to lend itself to being very easily gamed / cheated.

Thank you

The Steemit Team

Dear @steemcurator01.
Thank you for good question. It is an important issue and we have a plan.

Currently, we have a manager tool for checking photos are vaild or not. But, manager can't check all user's photo. It should be automatic. I think you already realize while you check diarygame posts.

We have a plan to verify that the user's picture is appropriate in two steps.

Cryptomission's mission certification is fisrt verified using object detection with deep learning. We train our "mission model" with initial images. And then We determine if the picture is appropriate using trained model. Recently, there are a lot of great deep learning algorithms. We are going to use an algorithm called yoloV3 (

After completing the first verification, the second verification is carried out by our community power. We let players report other player's abusing such as downvoting on the steem. We believe in the power of the community. If it's not appropriate, it will be sufficiently filtered out by the community.

We understand your points and actually it is the serious issues which has been considered in our team as well. We will try to make better solution between realism and philosophy of those issue continuously.


Thank you for the extra information.

If all the entry fees are returned to the players as refunds or prizes, how will you make money to sustain the dapp?

Dear @steemcurator01,

We are trying to build a solid business model. We will make money like below.

  1. (Current working) we get 10% of collected reward pool (it could be helpful for understanding.
  2. (Current working) we get author reward and curation reward (We write our news, update posts.)
  3. (Current working) we get STEEM Beneficiary from player's posting of mission verification (We set 10% beneficiary at the posts that are written on our app such as @appics app.)
  4. deposit crypto to defi system and get reward. (It is next plan related to tron network. we have a plan to get tron USDT, USDJ as entry fee for missions. those fee could be used as providing defi liquidity.)
  5. Expand to B2B space (If enough traffic is expected, it will make profits with B2B in the future. Our business partner should pay our team for making mission for them. For example, we can entice users to use specific corporate products, such as drinking "Pepsi" cola.)

I added two articles for helping you understand our project.

If you have any questions, let us know.

  • A clear mission.
  • A development timeline.
  • An easy to understand economic incentive framework with transparency.
  • An introduction to the developers.
  • All in the pursuit of encouraging better habits.

I love it @cryptomission!

Thanks for good lists.. we will try to give more things to be listed~~

 4 years ago 

Dear @cryptomission

Thank you for sharing link to this publication with me. Hopefully @steemitblog and @steemcurator01 will have an opportunity to see your post.

I've spent hours talking to representative behind and our project.hope community is trying to build a mutual partnership with them.
My initial impression is, that those people behind Cryptomission have enough technical knowledge to build some amazing tools. And with help of our PH network, we will be able to bring exposure to theirs publications and help them build userbase.

They have my ABSOLUTE recommendation to become part of "Steem Entrepreneurs Program".

Regardless if cryptomission will be fully succesful or not - it's obvious to me, that guys behind this project have solid programming skills and it would benefit STEEM blockchain to keep them. So let's show some support and see what they can achieve.

Yours, Piotr
@project.hope founder

Thanks for your comment and good willing to support. We expect to keep our steps for the mutual benefits with all the users and get in the better world. Wish your continuing supports and it would be a good enough motivation for @cryptomission team. Thanks again.

Hi @cryptomission this is a very interesting concept.
I am curious to know more about the business model. I understand you are looking at the B2B space.
Any more detail that you want to share?
Overall a great detailed post and roadmap. I welcome you to project hope @project.hope and I am sure we would grow stronger together and our association would go a long way.

Dear @thetimetravelerz,

I think this article could be helpful for you.

We plan to make money like below.

  1. 10% of collected reward pool
  2. author reward and curation reward
  3. STEEM Beneficiary from player's posting of mission verification
  4. deposit crypto to defi system. (next plan)
  5. B2B space


OK this gives me a better picture
Good luck to you :)

@cryptomission Congrats and welcome to PH community!
I like the idea of rewarding app and PH could be a great start to market the app.
And also, maybe you can implement the marketing into the app so that it will be beneficial for you as a developer and rewards app users like referral?
Refer a friend challenge refer 10 people, 5% bonus for each challenge,
100 people, 10% bonus or something like that could be fun? 😉

Hi Tomoyan,
I like your comment.
This is a good idea. It secures marketing, by incentivizing mouth to mouth recommendations.
Good idea. Anytime others can work for you is good and increases user base with referrals.
I will use it as the concept as the basis for my next contest.

 4 years ago 

I actually agree with both of you @shortsegments

 4 years ago 

I absolutely like your idea behind ref-link program @tomoyan

Something worth thinking about.

This is nice, or sounds nice. I have some confusion:
First: The only deposited fee will refunded or there is any other prize? Because I have seen in image there is only a refund. No other prize is added if anyone completed 100%. Then what will the benefit for users?

if someone complete 100 he/she will get refund 100% of participation fee + share of portion of deposited participation fee from failed users + the portion of Prize(The amount is flexible). so if all the participant complete and prize amount is zero then completed user get back 100% of fee only. But we can be happy if all the people complete mission. how wonderful... this kind case may be a issue between how to think... is this a mission with good willing or mission game(war).. @cryptomission will be a good tool for better life not for fighting. thanks.

All clear.

will be a good tool for better life not for fighting.

This is out of point. Thanks.

Dear @abdt,

It could be helpful for understanding our system.

Someone A completed missio and got participation fee + prize.
Someone B, unfortunately, only accomplished 80%. He did not get the 20% of the participation fee back. (20% became part of prize)

STEEM, paid by @crypto.reward, is the first prize offered by the cryptomission team.

 4 years ago 

I saw your answer to @thetimetravelerz regarding your income base. This looks interesting and I believe you will manage to get a lot of income sources. However, I think that an app based on building habits could be a very interesting platform to promote services and products for companies. What better place for a company to build habits using their products? Imagine that you could offer optional sponsorised habits? You could reward the users accordingly and get paid from these companies.

This would also help the whole steem ecosystem because it would allow to bring fiat currency or external crypto into steem and would help grow it's value.

Maybe you have planned it all along but I would indeed believe that this would be a great benefit for everybody.

Yes.. we,@cryptomission team, agree with your opinion absolutely. That is a part of our plan indeed. To do it we should be ready with better platform ans enough users also. As you mentioned we can make mission cooperating with sponsors who is qualified and understand our strategic plan which is participant's benefits oriented.

Thanks for your valuable idea again.

adding to the discussion what @achim03 and you are mentioning it would be exciting to see this business model coming to crypto.

A mineral water company , a milk brand or a shoe/fitness brand asking you to do a task and posting the proof online on social media for a reward/gratification happens all the time and if the same model can be adopted here it would open floodgates of opportunities for sure.

This seems like an interesting idea, the "everybody pays in, the people who keep their commitment split the payout" structure seems similar to the way the StepBet app works and I thought that was an interesting model when I used it.

Thanks for your comment~~

This is really a great work in progress, this are things we need on steem block chain that can bring in more adoption to the block chain. Kudos to this very great team. We still need more things to be added to the app so more members can participate

Thanks for your comment. we will develop @cryptomission as much as we can based on the feedback and ideas.

I am really blown away by this amazing service that you are bringing to the steem blockchain. This is what we called Value.

I will be downloading the app and also will love to drop review as time progresses through @projecthope. I will be happy if this system is sustainable and also for your platform to hit apex. I wish you success as you keep your goal burning.

Thanks for your support. You make us happy with good comment.. thanks

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