RE: Will the US Dollar Remain King, or Will the YUAN Topple it?
Dear @gbenga
Quite unique and interesting choice of topic. Upvoted already :)
I found it fascinating to see how many people consider Chinese Yuan to ever be able to challenge USD.
Not only China is facing their own issues (economy falling apart faster than US or europe) but also they completely lost trust of entire world towards themselfs.
And at the core of any reserve currency is trust.
With Chinese lack of transparency, I don't see any developed country building reserves in Yuan. I just don't see it happening.
Also it is important to point out why USD is a reserve currency in the first place. Where demand is coming from?
Most of all: majority of debts around the world are in USD. This is crutial. Add the fact that USD need to be used to cover transactions for oil. And those 2 reasons alone are the cause of many countries stocking up in USD. No country want to end up in situation when they cannot pay their debts (in USD) or they cannot afford to buy Oil (because their local currency colapsed).
China can create trade routes, but they have lost TRUST towards their authorities. So this reason alone is already enough.
Again: solid read. Enjoy your upcoming weekend :)
Cheers, Piotr