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RE: How to post in a Steemit Community - for example Project.hope

in Project HOPE5 years ago

Dear @focusnow

Thank you for using our project as an example. Indeed interesting read and solid introduction to STEEM communities (hives).

There are obviously few problems I see with current beta communities and I wonder if some of those issues will be solved. I also wonder what other users are feeling about communities. I hope you don't mind that I will promote your post little bit.

So far I see few small issues with communities.
a) all authors can post within your community and you cannot 'whitelist' those that are allowed - so it may be very easy to 'destroy' any community by bombarding it with tons of spam.
The only thing that one need to do is to create tons of new accounts and use them to post some spam and rubbish. Every day using some new account.

b) even more important: users need to chose only one community in which they can post their publication.
it simply means, that established communities will be doing fine but new ones will have it very hard to attract users to post within their community

c) current HIVE tags look awful. I understand that Hive ID need to be remembered on blockchain, but in tags - instead of HIVE ID we could see "HIVE NAME" - it would look much neater.
Seeing that you posted in HIVE-175254 doesn't tell me anything.

I wonder what's other users experience so far.

ps. You've mentioned SMTs. Any idea when STINC want to release them to public? Also did you hear anything about new version of steem-engine? Apparently it's already available in beta version.

Resteemed and upvoted already :)
Yours, Piotr


Sure @crypto.piotr, i was thinking how amazing communities would be if everything was done perfectly. I have also noted the issues you raised. Let me comment on 2 of them.

a. There must be a way to moderate community activity, such as having a system to check who is allowed or not to post. Unfortunately we dont have it. Like you said, that will make spamming the community possible. Unless the community will unite to fight the infiltrators. That although wont be a smart solution.

c. The naming convention is awful too. Exactly like using IP addresses which are numbers for domain names. Doesnt make sense.

About SMT's, there are no new updates yet. I mentioned them because i have friends that left 7 months ago and am urging them to come back. So SMTs and other developments would sound foreign to them.

Have you thought about making proposals for the issues raised. Maybe we will get enough support to make the proposal successful.

Thanks Charles

 5 years ago (edited)

Thank you for your prompt reply @focusnow :)

i have friends that left 7 months ago and am urging them to come back.

what content did they produce? can you share their usernames? Perhaps they would be interested in becoming part of our small project.hope community...

Just an idea :)

 5 years ago 

Hello dear friend @focusnow.

When I met the hives of beta.steemit I felt that they had created something unnecessary. I didn't find the meaning.

That is, the communities are ourselves, who organize and share efforts and interests. If we want a space for our community then we can create a steem account and that's it. Just as @project.hope was working.

Then they launch the hives.

In my opinion it was a desperate attempt to give a novelty to steemit. When things aren´t done enough planning then many details remain unpolished.

Don't you think that hives are a version of the tribes?
So why didn't they offer improvements to the tribes instead of creating hives?

Well, they are already a reality, so we must adapt and move forward.

This post seems excellent to put in context the new users and also those who had moved away and are now back.

ps: thanks for using as an example to @project.hope.

Your friend, Juan.

 5 years ago 

In a way I think that the hives are not a version of the tribes, I think they are rather a bit inferior, because the tribes allowed to share post with the use of the different labels, but the hives force that each post can only be shared In a particular hive, not being visible from the others, this could be explained as an attempt to better segment the publications addressed to each user group, but it does not convince me.

As it is a Beta, it's time to wait to see how it develops.

Gracias amigo @crypto.piotr por tu sugerencia de leer esta publicación. Estoy relativamente nueva en esta plataforma, cada vez intentando aprender más. En verdad es un poco engorroso publicar con tantos números. La idea de esto, no la se. Pero así como el fastidio de aceptar votos negativos y que traten de manipularte para que los hagas a los demás. Así mismo, esto de los números, en colmenas, es también imposición. Los que están arriba organizando todo esto, tendrán sus motivos. Mientras tanto, los que estamos debajo, caminamos por este desorden. Los pequeños peces, quedamos como sombis, atados a lo que arriba se imponga. Gracias por llamar a que opine. Un saludo.

Thank you friend @ crypto.piotr for your suggestion to read this post. I am relatively new to this platform, each time trying to learn more. It is really a bit cumbersome to publish with so many numbers. The idea of ​​this, I don't know. But as well as the annoyance of accepting negative votes and trying to manipulate you to make them to others. Likewise, this of numbers, in hives, is also imposition. Those who are upstairs organizing all this will have their reasons. Meanwhile, those who are below, we walk through this disorder. The small fish, we remain as sombis, tied to what is imposed above. Thank you for calling me your opinion. Greetings.

 5 years ago 

Thank you @gertu for dropping by and sharing your view on discussed topic.

Cheers, Piotr

Thank you, @crypto.piotr for inviting me.


I agree with you, I consider that they are still in adjustments and changes, so I guess they will remove that unattractive message from HIVE-XXXXX and leave the one from the corresponding community where it is published.

For the author, it shouldn't be a problem that he publishes from a certain community or platform for his post to be valued.

Similarly, for a community it should not be a reason to flag or ignore the post and not value it because it has been published from another platform or community, if its content is good.

 5 years ago 

It's me again @equipodelta

I've just realized that I never actually thanked you for your comment. Big thx.

I would need to ask you for little favour. Recently I've decided to join small contest called "Community of the week" and I desribed our project.hope hive/community. Would you mind helping me out and RESTEEM this post - just to get some extra exposure? Your valuable comment would be also appreciated.

Link to my post: on steemit or on steempeak

Thanks :)
Yours, Piotr

I like the idea of having "communities" to which you can join and post your blogs related to that topic ... not just a silly tag ... through which no one actually gives a ...

like with the music/art ... no one listens anymore not even 1 minute of a song, not to mention an album ... BUT ... they're listening the idiotic brainwashing radio inside their cars with non-senses :-)

Maybe if we would have the chance to "See" who's following our account in real time as a notificaion, the communities would have been better and healthy with the accepted people, or proper ones for that craftmenship that the group/community was created for ...

This would be cool ...

communities, not tags related to some groups which does not pay a coin of their time/upvote on your creations ...

anniway, maybe it is true as i've said ...

the hole world should become robots and forget about music/art and other organic and ancestral creative crafts that the Great Architect has given to us ...


IF i've created my #lnbt token i've done to support this blockchain not just "to sell something" to anyone ;-) @crypto.piotr

I think it was clear from the beginning, expecially through my giveaways/donations ... as i know ... i've sent more than 1000 #lnbt tokens to "some" charity accounts ... which is worthing even now 2.5 steem coins ...

I wish i could see more altruistic people arround and more wiser ... to ask "what's for my token" ... when i've posted the whitepaper with the mention that this will be improved with the time ...


PS: I know it's hard to follow every content in such a dense environment ... but we cannot invite people to be active inside everyone's blogs just by saying " i'm not selling you annything" ... when actually ... it's even deeper this concept ... actually ... who's asking this ... is draining the other one's TIME :-)

... then ... i think to myself ... "what a wonderful world" ... in which i can invest my money/energy to have the illusion of the old concept of trading in an organic way ... and to offer my #;nbt as donation/giveaways ... and people still are skeptic ... Nice ... thanks for supporting my Art/Music ... the demanding system will prevail ... everyone wants everything for free ... but in this NWO ... nothing will be free ... expecially the Art/Music ...

Thank you, @crypto.piotr for bringing out these points that have more than one confused, including me, you should definitely see a change in how to identify communities. For now my publications are about crypto but I have other interests that I would like to publish, but I need to understand more about the issue of HIVE.

Gracias, @crypto.piotr por sacar a relucir estos puntos que tienen confundidos a mas de uno, incluyéndome, definitivamente debe a ver un cambio en cuanto a la forma de identificar a las comunidades. Por ahora mis publicaciones son sobre cripto pero tengo otros intereses que me gustaría publicar, pero me falta entender mas sobre el asunto de las HIVE.

 5 years ago 

Thank you for dropping by @cageon360 and sharing your thoughts.

Appreciate it.

 5 years ago 

It's me again @cageon360

I've just realized that I never actually thanked you for your comment. Big thx.

I would need to ask you for little favour. Recently I've decided to join small contest called "Community of the week" and I desribed our project.hope hive/community. Would you mind helping me out and RESTEEM this post - just to get some extra exposure? Your valuable comment would be also appreciated.

Link to my post: on steemit or on steempeak

Thanks :)
Yours, Piotr

I totally agree with you on these points. I can remember "naturalmedicine" as a community name, but there's no way I can remember a 5-6 digit number to use with them! I'm not sure why this started changing to begin with, but I haven't changed what I do. I use NAMES, not numbers!

The lack of whitelisting is definitely a threat, as is not being able to choose multiple communities (as I currently do) - has no one ever found their favorite community because someone used the tag? I have...

Thanks for your feed back, I really think that there is much left to be desired with regards to communities. I believe we can put together a proposal about these things and we can support the proposal. Maybe someone out there might listen to us.

 5 years ago 

It's me again @viking-venture

I've just realized that I never actually thanked you for your comment. Big thx.

I would need to ask you for little favour. Recently I've decided to join small contest called "Community of the week" and I desribed our project.hope hive/community. Would you mind helping me out and RESTEEM this post - just to get some extra exposure? Your valuable comment would be also appreciated.

Link to my post: on steemit or on steempeak

Thanks :)
Yours, Piotr

On a)
Different types of Communities are coming. I think there are 3 planned. The open Community which is what we have now, a community with whitelisted authors but where anyone can comment and a community where only the whitelisted authors can post or comment. Not sure when they're going to come out, but they are on the roadmap.

In the meantime, the Community Admin can mute posts and hide them from visibility so the sort of attack you mentioned could be stopped.

b) This one is an issue and I hope it gets resolved. I think the main thing is that the Communities are ranked by the payout of the posts in their Community, so what we would need is an option to "Resteem" into other Communities, but that could also pose it's own set of problems, mostly with spam control.

c) Yea, hope there is a better solution to this as well soon.

 5 years ago 

that of being able to share between different communities would seem like a very good idea.

 5 years ago 

Hi, thanks for notifying me to review the post. Regarding what you comment:

The danger of spam is terribly true, after all there is no way to stop it, well, the use of downvote may help in that, but it is not an option that I find pleasant.

The other detail, about the fundamental difference between hives and tribes, the use of tags, makes me think that it is a problem that needs to be solved, after all, there are posts that could benefit from a greater diffusion if they were allowed to appear in the different communities that might have an interest in its content.

For now, the only way to have "user-friendly names" for hives is to directly use the Beta-Steemit fronted, but in other fronted they don't look that way, only HIVE and a sequence of numbers appear, that can To be annoying to users like me who prefer a different fronted.

You raised some interesting points. For now, the community feature seems to be in testing and is largely unregulated.
When I want to make a post in any community, I just use Steempeak and include the community hivetag in my post and my post shows in the community. This method isn't sustainable of course and like you pointed out, there's no whitelisting method.
Time will tell anyways

Thanks @belemo for dropping by. Yes i believe that by the time the community feature is very well fine-tuned, we will have all the nice features we need to make commumities work effectively

 5 years ago 

It's me again @belemo

I've just realized that I never actually thanked you for your comment. Big thx.

I would need to ask you for little favour. Recently I've decided to join small contest called "Community of the week" and I desribed our project.hope hive/community. Would you mind helping me out and RESTEEM this post - just to get some extra exposure? Your valuable comment would be also appreciated.

Link to my post: on steemit or on steempeak

Thanks :)
Yours, Piotr

I'd like to address your a, b, c points directly.
a) when communities will launch (or shortly afterwards) there will be more types of communities available, including one where only members can post or one where only members can post or comment. This is important: There won't be a possibility to change the type of the community, at least not in the first iterations of Hive communities (meaning you can't switch between allowing guest posting and not allowing guest posting in your community, once you created your community and once you chose its type). More about this here.
b) this is high on the list of priorities of roadscape to solve ('cross-posting' and / or resteeming to other communities), but won't be available at launch
c) the hive id has a reason - so that there can't be two identical communities, even if they are named identically. On an interface that understands Hive communities, you won't see the hive id as a tag, you will see the name of the community. Check any community on the beta interface as opposed to the or interfaces and you will see the difference. Once Hive communities will be supported on the main interfaces, that won't be an issue.

Steem-Engine "beta" is available here:

But they still need to work on it.

 5 years ago 

Thank you for that information, they are things that I did not know.

You're welcome! :)

Sure, you raised interesting points.( a.) That would be nice to have communty founders decide the type of community, which will indicate the features that are possible in each.

B. Whitelisting will solve a lot of headache at sources as against using crowd action through downvoting to deal with spammers

About... whitelisting. Currently there isn't this possibility. But there is the possibility of blacklisting. Muting either one post or the author. This is of course not ideal, that's why most likely if one prefers whitelisted authors (or authors and commenters), they will wait for the respective type of community to be introduced, as I described above.

 5 years ago 

It's me again @gadrian

I've just realized that I never actually thanked you for your comment. Big thx.

The hive id has a reason - so that there can't be two identical communities,

Luckily they already changed that.

I would need to ask you for little favour. Recently I've decided to join small contest called "Community of the week" and I desribed our project.hope hive/community. Would you mind helping me out and RESTEEM this post - just to get some extra exposure? Your valuable comment would be also appreciated.

Link to my post: on steemit or on steempeak

Thanks :)
Yours, Piotr

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