RE: Facial Recognition AI Violates Personal Freedoms
Dear @juanmolina
Again topic about AI? My fav ones!
Seriously more I think about world we're building for ourselfs - more Im terrified. And I'm glad not to have kids, who would have to deal with all of it.
Can you imagine, that future generation may learn to live without concept of privacy the way we see it today? And there is very little anyone can do to change that. Most likely future generation will have to get used to the fact, that authorities know everything about everyone. Including their activity in their own homes.
I wonder if covering our faces will be considered illegal in the nearest future. It would be quite funny, especially knowing that during winter people tend to cover their faces quite well and sometimes people are using ski mask ....
We cannot deny the fact that this technology in the right hands would become a valuable tool in the fight against crime.
The problem I see is the fact, that AI and face recognition is not being regulated. And regulations related to "data collection" are being often ignored or abused.
So incentive to use this technolgy to control population is huge, and risks are very little.
Solid read. As always. Upvote on the way.
Yours, Piotr