Travelling: A Way To Expand Your Consciousness

in Project HOPE10 months ago


Travelling is one of the most reliable ways to expand your consciousness of life. This is because when you travel to new places, your eyes sees new things, and your experience as a human just increases at that very moment.

For example, if someone has travelled to planet Mars, and returned back to Earth, you can understand how it is that - such a person has a wider consciousness than all humans who haven't travelled outside planet earth.

Increasing your level of consciousness in your lifetime is one of your most important task to yourself as an individual. Because what's life? If you only sit down inside of your room day after day. Life becomes boring and tends to lose it's fun.

This is not to imply that you cannot increase your consciousness in your room. Of course you can - and you can do this by reading books of people who have travelled the world, and gained enough experience and excitements to share with you in their book.

But the question that you should ask yourself is that - what will you write for the next generation in your own book? If you don't travel the world and explore new things and places; your consciousness will only be limited to what other humans told you.


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Peace & Love!

Traveling increases one's ideas about how things happen around the world, instead of being limited to the things you can see around you at the moment.

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