Project.hope: new HIVE chain / old steem chainsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Good morning everyone,



I will try to keep this post short. Do not resteem this publication - it's directed to only small group of people behind project.hope.

My goal is to clarify my and project.hope approach towards recent fork. Many of you asked me number of questions about future of PH and I still don't have all necessary answers.


- What do you think about posting on both chains

Project.hope will be supporting content created by all authors collaborating with us so far. Regardless if they will be posting on hive or steemit. Or both.

Personally I believe, that majority of users will post same content on both chain. Most likely original publications will be posted on HIVE and then Steem blockchain. And we will support all of those posts the best way we can.


- would you recommend to post on steem or hive first?

In my opinion most downvoters and flag abusers are moving to HIVE. Also most troublemakers are moving there too. I would expect that posting on hive similar content which has been already posted on steemit can attract unwanted attention.

For that reason, my suggestion is always to prioritize posting on HIVE chain first and at least 1-2 hours later on Steem blockchain. Let all bots (which are scanning and monitoring newly published articles for plagiarism) do their job.

We all know, that posting our own content on personal blog and then on steem wasn't considered plagiarism. But I'm pretty sure if we post something on steemit first, then some powerful users will claim that it's a plagiarism (because it will fit their agenda/narration) and they may start targeting such a publications.

At the same time I expect, that those who will stay on Steemit will simply not care about giving anyone trouble for posting content, which has been

If you do repost anything, then ensure that all links within your publication are "local". Meaning: do not redirect your audience to steemit in your new HIVE posts. And the other way around - make sure that your steemit posts do not have links to new hive publications. That can surely be "frown upon".


- should I engage on both chains?

Personally I don't see it happening. I'm not going to copy+paste same comments on both chains. I think everyone would have to figure out on which chain they want to be mostly active.

And that brings us to another question:


- should I share links to both of my posts via project.hope TELEGRAM channel? Or just one?

JUST ONE link is enough.

Our telegram channel is helping me with content discovery and regardless how busy I am - checking this channel is my priority. I will engage in comment section with links to post shared by you on this channel.

So everyone need to chose if he care about promoting his content on HIVE/STEEM. And share one link only. I will then do my best to read this post myself, resteem it and drop some valuable comment.

At the same time I will always check if you posted also on other chain and assuming that you did set up beneficiary to PH fund - I will upvote your content on both chains.

So to wrap it up: I will support with upvotes all your content, on both chains. But you need to figure out on which chain you like to build engagement with me and others.


- what about my top3 reviews

Some of you are posting weekly reviews of best publications done within PH hope. This topic may be a bit tricky.

I would like everyone to continue posting those reviews on STEEM blockchain, however if you like to post it also on hive then I do not see any problem with it. I will support both with some decent upvote.

Just ensure to post first on HIVE and also that links within your post are not directing users to opposite blockchain. It may also happen, that one of top3 selected publication may not be present on both chains. Those are small challenges, that you guys would have to address yourself.

If you post your top3 review on both chains, then DM me both links.

I hope I'm making sense?


Hope it does clarify project.hope and my personal stand on this entire issue? Please drop a comment, share your thoughts. I really care about opinion of each one of you. Not opinion of others - whales, witnesses, justins - I care about YOURS opinion, since I work closely with you guys.

If anyone would have more questions, then please share them with me in comment section below.

Yours, Piotr


Note: you may have noticed that most posts on steemit are being spammed with some abusive comments. I would recommend to mute all those users:

  • innerhive
  • ngc
  • z8teyb289qav9z
  • sirvotesalot



Thanks a lot for the guidelines. It was well detailed. I believe everyone has the right to choose any blockchain their content should be made or even both. So I don't see any problem in it. well, that's what decentralization means.

Many thanks buddy


All your comments make sense. Time will tell which platform becomes the most successful and until then we need to keep a foot in both camps.

Your suggestion to keep links local rather than cross-link between Steem and Hive is a good one.

What a year!!!

It's all too complicated and time-consuming for me. I'm glad I made my own Wordpress site.

Will you be censored next?

Is that a threat from the feline I hate most in Steemit?

This didn't happen before, if so I know where I'm going to post from now on, unfortunately.

I haven't decided yet, but I'll probably post more at Hive. I don't want to be watched, surveilled or monitored constantly. I'll post on both anyway initially, and if the threats are real, I'll just stay with Hive. Obviously, after I get all my SP out of Steemit.

Good luck, everybody! :D

Stay safe ^_^

xHi @crypto.piotr

i Will work More on hive, and of course i continúe doing the top 3 on both chains, but following your recomendations.

All understanded, it make Sense.

I choose only to comment on hive.

hope soon anyone develops an app for hive to android or at least Port one of the actuals(e-steem mobile maybe), because you know i work using the phone, so it Is very difgicult for me, take on count that.


Project.hope is doing there job regardless what is going on the chain and that is good for normal content creators.thanks for sharing,

Thoughts about telegram
As you talked about telegram I would like to advise you why not to create a new channel for hive where we can share links of only hive and the existing channel will support only Steemit in that way the other people on channel can give a comment on both chain if they want.

The spam is for everyone and quite unnecessary. However, to each his own. I should have read this post before posting my latest post. I did post on hive first fearing the same. I am going to post on both chains. Because I don't know which community is with which blockchain. Once I have clarity I'll choose what to do.. Thanks for this post. Was extremely necessary

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @crypto.piotr

It makes good sense in what you write
I intend to do the same, support my followers on both platforms

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