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RE: Cryptocurrency Centralisation: Binance

in Project HOPE4 years ago

I have to disagree - and my argument is simply this: seen any of those draconian government measures stop the virus spread?

Unless a country is willing to go to the levels that China has, centralised control can and will not save it. And since such measures are a death sentence to an economy (which comes with its own body count), I don't see them ever happening in the "free world" (a term which is fast revealing its false nature).

Personally I would have loved the option to call for a vote to seal our borders - LONG BEFORE the virus arrived. I'm not saying that it would have worked, but since we didn't even have that option, we will never know. All I have seen from ANY government is "too little too late", FAR too late, though each one of them loves to use the word "early" when referring to their own responses.

I liked the look of project.hope, but considering their official comment here, I am actually sorry that I even bothered with experimenting in posting in this community. Perhaps if someone higher up their food-chain can chats to me man-to-man then I will reconsider, but I have no wish to deal any more entitled lackeys equipped with a God complex and automated responses.


I don't believe there was any chance anyone was going to stop the virus but some of the measures have been more effective than others. Germany, for example, has done better than most Western countries in testing, tracking and getting through the lockdown. They are now opening up again in a controlled way. Generally, there seems to be an unsurprising distrust for the governments, they reacted too slowly and people would have supported more action. We probably need to listen more to scientists and medics rather than politicians.

I found this interesting.....

but I have no wish to deal any more entitled lackeys equipped with a God complex and automated responses.

I've read comment from project.hope and I surely didn't have an impression that person who wrote it had a Gox complex.

Neither it was automated response (which you can see since it's all on blockchain).

At the same time your response did look so much more unpleasent and aggressive. That's just my own small impression.

All the best to you

When I'm wronged, I bite back - hard. Quiet diplomacy is not my style. Perhaps the screenshot I posted on crypto.piotr's comment below will give you better context. I have no time for people who don't keep their word or who attempt to weasel out of something without a valid excuse. I am a man of my word and I hold others to the same standard.

 4 years ago 

I guess I can only wish you good luck in the future and I won't waste more of your time @bitbrain

@creativeblue had a good point - I don't have "God" complex as you've described it. It's just simple misunderstanding and again: I'm sorry if I upseted you.

Cheers, Piotr

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