Strategiec topics to consider while discussing finance with your partner

in Project HOPE2 months ago

Most relationships that hit the rock are largely related to money matters and one of the major ways of avoiding financial issues is by getting involved in a sincere conversation with your partner before getting into a serious part of the relationship in the first place. Considering that this issue of money is what so many people are not comfortable speaking about, a lot of patience may be required to help your partner get into the same headspace as you. Getting engaged in such a conversation requires that it is done in a comfortable space with these topics being the center of your conversation;


Discuss debt with your partner, and let this conversation be a clear and transparent one. Lay it all down carefully and talk about who will be responsible for clearing off existing debt or if the both of you would join hands together in clearing up the debt it is better to begin this process on a clean slate.
The conversation may not be so easy if the both of you have different debts from previous relationships and then the both of you plan to pay it together than when the both of you are trying to pay back the debt you both acquired together.

Do not wait too long before you begin to have money conversations, it is better to speak about it whilst you can instead of just waiting for that perfect moment that may never come.
Whether you want to have a combined or a separate account as a couple is another necessary conversation to have. There is a need for a clear budget to work with and of course, you both need to have to agree. In your budget consider;


  • Your needs which include your housing, utilities, groceries, and others

  • Your wants which include entertainment, eating out, and dates.

  • Saving, what is your purpose for saving?

Just like it is not easy to talk about debts, talking about credit can also be tough. While discussing credit, you want to have to remember that credit affects every area of our lives and we must be appropriately prepared for it.

If spending the rest of your lives together is something you both hope for, then it is never too early to begin to plan for retirement also, choose the path to either save or invest towards retirement, and in some cases even do both.

Remember, that the most important thing is to be open and honest with all that is discussed, and the actualization of the plans. Your other half may be disappointed if you do not follow the discussed plan and that may create more problems.


I like this topic. A lot of people leave very important discussions like the one treated here and be busy discussing things that do not add value with their partner. Even at the early talking stage with your partner, you are supposed to talk about finance-related issues, so as to be able to plan ahead.
Nice piece dear Bimbo

Yes, my friend, this topic should be discussed with all seriousness even at the early stage. Appreciate your response.

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