Identifying your strengths and weaknesses makes you a step ahead

in Project HOPE3 years ago


To become yourself and succeed, you must first conduct an audit, determining the fundamental characteristics of your personality: calmly, without haste, without uncertainty, and without fear.
A person's strengths and limitations are two sides of the same coin. It is rare that a person is entirely made up of great attributes with no negative aspects. Advantages should not be used as an excuse to dismiss anything, and downsides should not depress you.

A person who understands his true essence is capable of managing his own resources and insuring himself against gaps.

  • I'm not particularly attractive, but I make up for it with charisma.
  • Because I am forgetful, I jot down everything and set “reminders” in my phone for everything.
  • I take in everything on the surface, without delving into the details, but in an emergency, I can rapidly appraise the situation.
  • Because I rock slowly, whatever business I start must be planned ahead of time.

It is possible that a person's dignity is something that others regard as a questionable quality. "He's some type of eccentric!" someone will exclaim as they arrive at the temple. However, it is this out-of-the-box thinking that allows a person to come up with new ideas for his work.

The same characteristic might play distinct functions in different settings. Tall ladies, for example, are complicated at school because of their height, which causes them to bend and ruin their form. Models and basketball players, on the other hand, require rapid growth.

As a result, stay calm about your flaws when performing an audit; in some cases, your flaws might work in your favor and propel you ahead of the competition.

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This is @benie111
I would like to hear from you. Do you have contribution or comment? Do well to drop them in the comment section.



Greetings @bennie111 💕😊

Identifying your stress and weakness won't only make you a step ahead but it will also help you get more productive by focusing more on strength and working more on your weakness. Just as you've stated up there, whenever you forget something you jot down simply because you're able to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕😊❤️

Thanks for the contribution

Hello @benie111!
Definitely a person who is able to identify his strengths and weaknesses will be more successful in life. We know we are not perfect, but we are able to improve and that is the idea, we can't hide ourselves saying only "I am like this" every day we have a chance to change. Greetings!

Yeah. I love this line "every day we have a chance to change". Thanks for coming around

Many times I have read that in order to conquer the world you must first conquer yourself first, that is, we must first know ourselves completely, identify and be clear about who we are, what are our strengths and our weaknesses to take advantage of the best of the first and minimize the effect of the latter, hence the reflection that you make on that particular in your article, friend @benie111, that you have an excellent start to the week seems excellent.

Thanks for the wonderful contribution

hello @benie111,
I believe that people do not know that they have many strengths because they do not take the time to know themselves, on the other hand culture does not help much because in western culture we are told that happiness is outside of us and that people should look for the answers outside of them, while in other cultures such as eastern culture it is emphasized that we should look within ourselves for the answers to the questions we face every day, knowing ourselves implies a detailed study of our personality and our habits to face the challenges of life.

I love the analysis as per diff side of view. I so much appreciate your contribution

You are very right, for you to move forward in life you need to first of all believe in yourself. While taking opportunities you must be able to conquer fear

I am glad you got the point.

How hard it is sometimes for us to know our strengths, but when we talk about weaknesses we tend to expand on them. When we know ourselves in depth, we build ourselves up and we will certainly not see our goals the same... nice post...

Thanks for coming around

Hello friend, it is certainly important to know ourselves, and by doing so, we will be certain of our qualities and weaknesses. But in spite of those small defects we can be more self-confident and achieve great things. Greetings!

I so much appreciate your contribution

 3 years ago 

Many people do not ask themselves this question and do not detail in themselves what their strengths or weaknesses are, however, a good recommendation is to ask for help from another person who is very objective and can identify it or in any case to make you see what your strengths or weaknesses may be.

You are absolutely true bro..

I love this topic. When we are able to outline our strengths and weaknesses, we will know how to build and consolidate on them. Then we will become better humans.

This is really an excellent read. Thanks for sharing buddy

Becoming a better person is the key.

Greetings my friend. An important reflection, we should all know our strengths but also our weaknesses, it is the best way to know how to deal with situations in a balanced way, so for example I am very analytical that makes me evaluate a situation a lot, if I am not careful I could take too long to respond and let the moment pass.

Exactly.... Balancing and knowing where you need to put more attention will be the target

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