Crypto saved me from the lame and the known

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Living off crypto was a concsious decision I made at a point that I believe was a crossroad in my life. In the past, I earned from crypto but as the months and years passed, I evolved my strategy to suit a lifestyle, rather than a flash in the pan income.

It has been quite an experience for me and it's a story that I like to share to anyone willing to listen. It all started from an introductory post in 2017, and that has morphed into my source of income.

Getting rejected

For a long time, I felt like I was an impostor because unlike professional traders who knew all the fancy analysis, I just knew how to write articles. Many people would hit me up to enquire about the best coins to buy and all I'd say is "have you heard about Steem(hive) though".

To make matters worst or better, depending on how you look at it, I applied for a job and didn't get accepted. Actually, I've been rejected by a bunch of companies over the years, including Paystack, one of the leading Fintech companies in Nigeria.

I remember when I applied for that job and got rejected. it hurt so much because I was certain that I would offer a lot more than what the other applicants had to offer because of my extra knowledge in the cryptocurrency industry.

I thought I was special back then and was open to the idea of working for the company. I didn't get the job, and my friend who works there told me about the extremely qualified person that got employed in the role I was applying for, so no harm done.

Other than that job, I also got rejected at the school I did my Masters in. This one was rather surprising because I didn't think I'd need to participate in all the political crap to get the job.

Some of my classmates eventually got employed and at the time of writing, they've all pretty much quit the job at the school. TO be completely honest, I would have been absolutely miserable if I got trapped in that job at that dumb ass military base that gives me mad anxiety.

Crypto saved me

Throughout this period of my life, I had been earning crypto from my activities on Hive and beyond. I had invested quite a lot of time into writing and producing content that it grew into an income.

On top of that, I was also strategically reinvesting my earnings into various projects, including Leofinance, and Splinterlands. In fact, I recall buying a shit ton of Untamed packs with about $300 worth of Hive in the past. That tiny investment has turned into a goldmine and paid off in multiple folds.

My crypto activities and earnings helped me to develop a source of income that has enabled me to live a decent lifestyle.

Hindsight is 20/20

At the end of the day, I'm extremely happy I got rejected at all the jobs I applied for. None of them would have given me the level of satisfaction and peace of mind that I have now.

Well, peace of mind is contextual of course, because I'm hardly comfortable in this country. However, I don't have a boss or supervisor bugging me about some target or whatever they do at companies.

I get to live life on my own terms, wake, live and explore various opportunities that constantly present themselves. I get to make my own schedule, pay my own salary and live life on a daily basis.

I'm not saying my life is perfect, oh far from that. I'm also not trying to talk down on anyone that's employed right now because that would be unfair to the person and the service they render.

All I'm saying is that I'm glad I didn't end up getting employed by either company. Due to my nature, I probably wouldn't have been able to balance life out and I would probably have missed out on many opportunities in the process.

Gratefully, I stuck around and in the process, crypto saved my ass. It's a gift that keeps on giving.

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hello @belemo,
one of the good things about this project is that it is not just about earning money but it allows you to develop skills that give you an income, in my opinion an income is much better than earning with coins just once, I want to be a writer and this platform gives me the opportunity to practice and acquire writing skills while I can earn money, I am glad you can enjoy what you do, that is the most important thing to feel fulfilled in life, love what you do and not just be in one place just because you need it, another important thing is that with the level of income you can move to any Latin country and you can live without problems.

It's been an amazing experience I must say. I earn and have fun at the same time

Hello @belemo
I can only tell you how good it was that they didn't give you that job in that company, for sure you would have lost the great opportunity to learn about cryptocurrencies and I wouldn't be with the comfort and knowledge that you have now. I do believe that little by little you have to learn about the market, chart analysis, etc, even if you are not going to do trading, but no doubt it can help you get a better idea of everything at the time of investing.

greetings @ belemo
Everything in life happens for a reason, that you could not get the job, it was because God had something better destined for you, it was good not to miss the opportunity to enter this wonderful world as Steem, particularly I entered thanks to several friends to whom I thank and I hope to stay until God allows it.
It is very important now to know a little more of the crypto movements to be able to better manage cryptocurrencies.

Thank you very much for sharing.

Missing out on those jobs is probably the best thing that has happened to me in my life

At time when we got rejected we feel bad no knowing the best is just around the corner.looking for jobs in Nigeria can be frustrating at times but I thank God crypto came to your rescue. I have had alot of stories from freinds and neighbor on how crypto save them I just believe it will save me someday. It is good to be consistent on what ones does.

Yup. Just stayed focus and didn't give up on myself

You will excuse me but that image you put with the cat distracted me a lot, hahahahah! and I am an admirer of these felines and the least I did was to pay attention to your writing. I find the image beautiful, tender, I simply LOVED it. So I appreciate your effort in writing but the image won me over. See you soon. :)
Bu @hojaraskita

lol the image is so cute. That;s how the crypto industry cradles many of us

I think the crypto community is made up of people that has been rejected by the system that is why i love crypto so much, crypto have saved me from a lot of insults and humiliation that if not for crypto i would have either be dead or forgotten so thank you crypto.

We're all tired of the status quo and want something different

Hey this is very inspiring pretty much crypto have been a lifesaver for many including myself thanks for sharing and i do hope and wish you continue to excel in all you do!

Thanks mate. I try my best and always look for ways to give back to my society

Very interesting post @belemo I can really feel what you said because it happened to me too. Mine was even worst because I had a wife and an orphanage to care for, it was not easy at all. Sometimes I wont sleep for days searching for how to provide food, well thank God we have passed that stage. Nice post I really enjoyed it.

so happy that it worked out for you.

What had appeared harmful turned out to be the best thing that happened to you. I'm happy that you didn't get restricted with a traditional job that might limit your opportunity to find out the crypto space and limit our opportunity to read your nice publications 😁

What an amazing story to share

Glad it touched you mate. It's been an amazing experience

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