Do you have depression? Get moving! || My Testimonial

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hello, my name is Samuel, does it matter? Maybe it does. But what matters more is what I want to tell you in this post. I suffered from depression a long time ago and for many years. Among so many things that helped me to overcome it, there was something vital and that was to move. Yes, and today I come to tell you my experience the benefits of moving and not being static.

However, I must be honest and tell you that I am not much of a workout. It has always been difficult for me to be constant in everything related to physical activity, however what I come to tell you here is my experience with exercise and how, in a difficult time, it helped me to overcome a disease of the soul, the disease of despair: depression.

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Today I am 36 years old. Seventeen years ago I was diagnosed with Major Depression with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. From that moment my life changed. It was a dark, sad time, both for me and my family. I have always defined depression as hell, and it is. I don't wish it on anyone.

Since that moment I had three relapses, the last one 7 years ago. It was also a difficult experience, not as much as the first time, but yes, I still suffered a lot, however, I had matured and learned a lot about the disease, so the way to face it and fight it this time was different.

One of the different things I did was to exercise. I remember that, at least 4 days a week, for a period of about three months, I would go for a walk in a park near my house. Those who know about depression know that the person who has it has a hard time getting out of his or her room. So on that side it was difficult. I still went for walks in my sportswear, hearing aids, and sunglasses. I'd get to the park and the first thing I'd do was get ten minutes of sunshine. Then I would start walking and then jogging. Finally I would do bars, sit-ups and other calisthenics and just before I left I would sit in the sun for another 5 or 10 minutes while listening to instrumental music. I clearly remember one of those days when I heard “Homeland” from the soundtrack of Spirit, "Stallion of the Cimarron".

When I got home, I would rest, then take a bath with warm water, regulating the temperature until it was natural, and at the end I would pour very cold water on myself. The feeling of well-being I experienced was incredible. Even though later I might feel down or feel like crying or something else, those moments of exercise and hydrotherapy were quite energizing.

But I must confess that at the beginning it was very hard for me. However, as the days went by, I saw how my body, but above all my emotions, were changing. Those moments of movement were not only beneficial for my body, but my soul was also getting stronger, my spirit was going up.

I am convinced that this type of physical therapy of moving, exercising and sunbathing every morning helped me in my recovery, added to the other pharmacological, natural and psychological treatments I had at that time. That's why I don't hesitate to recommend physical exercise to others when there is depression or some deep sadness. I am a faithful witness that moving helps and a lot. Why? Firstly because I experienced it in my own flesh, but also because science says so. Exercise generates the so-called happiness hormones. The most famous are endorphin, dopamine and serotonin, although it is also said that adrenaline is produced. Besides exercising, even a little, like walking 30 minutes a day and fulfilling that purpose increases self-confidence and personal motivation increases, and remember that a depressed person just suffers from low self-esteem and his motivation is very low.

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From experience I can say that exercising has excellent benefits. I invite you to move every day: stretching, dancing, calisthenics, fitness. Anything, but exercise. At home or outdoors. It's vital for your body and emotions. In the morning before going out to sunbathe or at night before going to sleep, exercise with stretching or yoga. Go to dance therapy, the gym, or dance at home with your partner, children or aunt.

Not only your body will thank you, but your mind, soul and spirit.

Move it!

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Good evening. Thank you for sharing in detail your story and explaining that you additionally had your medical treatment. How nice that the exercise has worked well in your experience. It is very positive for body and mind. Best regards.

It was a very hard experience, but in addition to the medicine, exercise helped me a lot. Depression is surmountable. There is hope.

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