Find out why you should save and invest that money saved

Motivation for the week

May this day be beautiful and mark the beginning of a wonderful, very productive week and that no obstacle is greater than your will to win.

Reasons why you should save and invest that money "

Without a doubt without financial education it is impossible to live, it is necessary to get out of debt and learn to invest. We are living in a very difficult scenario for everyone because of the pandemic, this economic uncertainty leads us to seek financial education, what we can see is a high number of unemployment.


In times of crisis we have to learn to save, use only what is necessary, since before any tip, it is necessary to learn the basics. Not everything is a waste of time, our time is worth gold and we need to learn to live with the basics and invest to live a better life in the long run.

Many say you can't invest because you can't afford it, but if you are truly determined to invest, you can follow this simple step: save, save and then invest. In short you can save by cutting expenses and with that more money is left, so you will be saving and consequently the amount you have left you automatically invest to obtain future income.

Why should you save money?

  • In difficult times those who have money get along ... The best opportunity to invest can appear when you least expect it and if you are prepared for it you will be doing great business.

  • Financial reserve: It is always necessary when there is an emergency.

  • Saving is useful for making dreams come true, or investing.

  • The car you dream of may appear at the lowest price and if you have money you can buy it at that moment, but if possible, don't have one because there will be expenses,

  • The house of your dreams can appear with a price below the table and if you are saving it is the best time where you can buy it;

However, to save money you need to be disciplined, that is, you need to eliminate impulse spending.

Look for alternative ways to cut expenses

  • Instead of paying for a gym, consider the idea of ​​playing outdoor sports, such as walking, cycling.

  • Search before you buy;

  • Eat well and prevent diseases,

  • Drink filtered water instead of mineral;

  • Repair something instead of buying a new one;

  • Live according to your reality;

  • Enjoy the promotions;

When you save, you are automatically doing financial planning, this is very good, since the habit of saving opens up several fans and you consequently start to make smarter decisions for the use of your money and, consequently, it allows you to form an equity and improving your future quality of life.

From savings to investment

It is possible to save and grow in financial life, it is through the application of saved resources that you guarantee the investment, giving up things considered futile today opens up the ability to spend in the future, see that everything is rewarded.

Your sacrifice will always have a positive return if you do a good financial planning, but know that you need to diversify your investments, never put everything in one place.


Investing in cryptocurrencies

Currently one of the investments that is at its peak is Bitcoin that has attracted the attention of thousands of people, as it recognizes bitcoin as a legitimate investment asset and that can be superior to money, is the real (digital gold). Even if it is not possible to see so many positive results now, it is worth investing because in the long run it will be possible to see the return on investments made now.

This market is totally attractive to invest in cryptocurrencies due to the high chances of gain, but if it is in the short term be careful because it also runs the risk of losses. However, in the long run, investing in these digital currencies is possible to expand your assets.

The Bitcoin transaction takes place via blockchain, a totally secure network that works with chained blocks, remembering that Blockchain is not just money, it is a technology very associated with cryptocurrencies and financial transactions, but it goes far beyond that.

Remember the secret is in the organization "


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Savings makes it extremely easy for us to access better opportunities, it is not an healthy act to spend everything we earn.

Hello @eni-ola,

Exactly, those who always spend everything they have miss out on great opportunities.

Thanks for commenting, success to you.

As a business owner, comprehensive financial planning is essential for long-term success. Seeking guidance from experts who understand the unique challenges and opportunities faced by business owners can make a significant difference:
They can provide insights and strategies to help you navigate the complexities of financial planning for your business and personal finances.

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