FINANCE : Chasing Money vs. Creating Assets.

in Project HOPE5 months ago

In the cloth of existence, there is one thread that stands out from all others: money. It moves freely, flowing throughout the veins of society and appearing to be within anyone’s grasp. However, not everybody takes the same route when it comes to obtaining wealth. Some people chase after it without rest while others build systems which attract it easily but methodically.

For a large portion of my life I was in the first group; always hustling and struggling just to get by. No matter how hard I worked though, I felt like I was stuck spinning my wheels – never quite gaining the financial independence that seemed so close yet so far away. This was incredibly tiring both mentally and physically.



But eventually things shifted for me. What changed everything was when I started paying attention not so much on those hustling around trying every way possible for making more dollars; rather seeing people who seem like they effortlessly accumulate riches passively even as they sleep.

They were not working hard at chasing each dollar but busy creating assets which work for them day-and-night (like spiders building webs).

It was like a lightning flash in my mind, the one thing that I absolutely needed to understand about money: if you want to be free, you must become an entrepreneur and start creating assets.

Instead of living from paycheck-to-paycheck, I could chart my own course by building something substantial enough to support me for years.

Certainly, this seemed like a very difficult thing to do. There are so many hurdles in entrepreneurship; it takes strong willpower and risk tolerance but also offers greater returns than any other investment class.



Nothing excited me more than reading stories upon stories of people who had nothing then rose up with only their determination as capital and ended up establishing empires that employed thousands.

Unfortunately schools drill none of this into us. All they teach is getting good grades so we can get a job where we work until our hair falls out then retire poor. They make it seem as if education and traditional employment are the only paths towards financial security when in reality there are many ways one can achieve wealth

Entrepreneurship tells a different story. It screams independence, imagination and boundlessness. It means creating something valuable that goes beyond having to work nine-to-five and continues making money long after you have invested time and effort.



Therefore, my advice to you is: do not shy away from the upcoming difficulties; instead, treat them as chances for self-improvement and development. Believe in your vision, develop resilience and be ready to put in more hours than you ever did.

Certainly, the journey towards financial freedom may be hard but the reward is unimaginable. Therefore, let us go ahead and start spinning our wealth webs. The globe is full of opportunities – all we need to do is stretch our hands and grab them.

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