Some considerations on emotional attachment

in Project HOPE3 years ago
When we talk about emotional attachment we refer to that condition that can be had both with family, friends or partners, it is usually more common in couples, when there begins to be the appearance of an attachment this can cause emotional damage, since some people show a kind of insecurity or rather are afraid of losing their partner and be alone.

Emotional Attachment

Public domain image Pixabay

In that sense, from my point of view, it seems that people lose their self-esteem, underestimating themselves in different aspects of their lives, it seems that they are beings (women and/or men) who are not capable of facing life alone, if for some reason they were to lose their partner.

In this sense, I consider that the first step to overcome this type of situation is that people accept that they suffer from this type of dependence and can be treated by some specialists and of course it is always good to have people from whom they receive support and allow them to emerge from this type of situations that some might go unnoticed.

As I mentioned before it is important to seek help from specialists such as psychologists, since a psychologist can provide the necessary way to see life from another point of view where you can be calm, happy and achieving all the success you can and the most important thing is that the person will recover his self-esteem and essence.

Finally, each person should be happy without the need to have someone by his or her side, since we are all capable of achieving our goals without the need for someone to help us achieve them. That is why at the moment that a person decides to have a partner it should be a complement not a necessity since, you should have a normal life with friends, family and people you know without alienating them for the simple reason of having a partner.

Dear readers, having a partner means having a person with you through thick and thin, who will help you have a healthy, happy, free life and in this way there will be the connection that having a relationship implies. That is why you must know how to distinguish between love and attachment, since one can make you feel alive and happy while the other could destroy your essence and self-esteem without realizing it.


Hello friend @amestyj!
I agree with you that first we must be well and feel happy with ourselves, so we can share with others and not try to look outside what we lack because that is not possible. You should not depend on anyone, you are looking for a partner to share and go together hand in hand on the road, and when there is this kind of behavior you have to seek help because what it generates is problems. Greetings!

Greetings dear @amestyj

I identify myself with this expression "I consider that the first step to overcome this type of situation is that people accept that they suffer from this type of dependence and can be treated by some specialists", it is true that one way to overcome any emotional break is to accept that one suffers or suffers in some way from affective dependence, for this a specialist will be decisive to get out of this negative picture. Excellent article, greetings and blessings to SOSErnesto and SOSMiranda.

Best regards, be well.

Specialist always have a long way to go in treating people in those situations because at times they might easily recognise they are in the shoe

Yeah your points are actually true. One must be happy alone before he can make the other person happy.

Nice post!

Self-love is everything, the worst thing that can exist is for someone to become emotionally attached to another person, to get out of that feeling is difficult, but when you let go you see that it was not as difficult as you imagined it to be.

I really get the point here, it is a deep problem to constantly feel that our self worth is dependant on someone else opinion, it is always better to identify such and work on it timely enough.

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