Family farming

in Project HOPE3 days ago
Family farming represents a fundamental pillar in global food production, despite the increasing industrialization of agriculture, peasant families continue to be the main suppliers of food in many regions of the world, their role transcends the economic, getting involved in social, cultural and environmental aspects.

Family farming is characterized by family work in production and consumption units, where the family works together in the production of food for self-consumption and for sale, they usually own or have use rights over the land they cultivate agricultural knowledge and practices are transmitted from generation to generation and is deeply rooted in the territory, contributing to its conservation and development.

The importance of family farming lies in food security, since family farming guarantees access to healthy and nutritious food for people, especially in rural areas. Biodiversity is conserved by applying traditional agricultural practices that preserve the diversity of crops and animal breeds. It also contributes to the economic development of rural areas, generating employment and improving the quality of life of the populations. This type of family farming systems are generally more resilient to changes that occur thanks to their diversity.

The challenges faced by family farming are access to land, because the concentration of land in few hands limits the opportunities of peasant families. Access to financing, since it is no secret that peasant families often have difficulties accessing agricultural loans and insurance. Marketing due to the fact that competition with large companies and the lack of infrastructure make it difficult to market agricultural products.

To guarantee the sustainability of family farming, it is necessary to implement public policies that strengthen land tenure, promote agrarian reform and ensure the rights of peasant families on the land. Expand access to credit, develop specific credit programs for family farming. To promote local markets and facilitate the access of family agricultural products to national and international markets. In addition to promoting agricultural research and extension, he developed agricultural technologies and practices adapted to the needs of peasant families.

Dear readers, in summary, family farming plays a crucial role in food production, environmental conservation and rural development. It is essential to recognize its importance and support it through appropriate public policies.

Thank you for reading our articles, until the next installment.

Bibliographic references
  • Moreno, F. and Díaz, L. (2008). Sustainable agriculture for the Tropics. San Cristobal: Venezuela.


- Photography and images: All photographs and images are the property of the author @amestyj
- Agrotecnia banner: made by the author @amestyj with own images

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