It Has Been a Blessed & Challenging Week!

in Project HOPE4 years ago

It has been an awesome week. Bitcoin pumped, Eth pumped and I'm sure there are other great things that has happened in your life the past week. I have been away from writing not because of the pumpanomics of the different coins but what has been going on in my life. 

Challenges become blessings in disguise - Jumaipetiteheavenly

The Newest Addition to My Family

My youngest and newest addition to the fam, Ava came to us a few days ago in the early morning. Funny story, I was actually running an online class when all that happened. I was teaching halfway through and my wife walked in and told me that it was time. Right in front of all my students. It was such a memorable sight not just for me but the students. 

They were all dears and allowed me to attend to the emergency at hand. We woke the rest of the family up and made our way to the hospital. The delivery of the baby was swift and smooth and the baby was healthy. Ava has been such a dear so far, but that is where the next challenge starts.

The Challenges of Covid-19

Now, I am thankful that me and the family are Covid free. However, Covid has restricted travel for my parents and my wife's parents to come over. As such, we had to hold down the fort all on our own. This begun with me running back and forth sorting out not just the other kids but cooking. And man, cooking has been tough. In the family my wife and I take turns cooking but cooking two different cuisines is challenging. 

For starters, it is a tradition for recovering mothers after giving birth to go on a particular diet. This consists of sesame oil and ginger. But this diet is not suitable for the rest of us as it will make our body temperature rise rather rapidly. Hence, I had to cook that for my wife and something else for my other children. I felt like a restaurant chef but at the same time the cleaning up is challenging. 

Usually, our mothers would come over to help but not this time, so it has been tough managing, cleaning and cooking. 

On a Brighter Note...

On another brighter note, we are all working from home due to travel restrictions on Covid-19 so that has allowed us to cut the time we need to send our kids to school. I can't imagine having to manage all that and heading to work at the same time. So as a new chapter unfolds, I hope to get more free time to write. Meanwhile, let me tend to my little angel.


Congratulations dear friend this is such a great news and I am certain that your current experience will make you a better Dad as well as a better father.

I also got away from the publications for a week, because unfortunately a brother of mine died from covid-19, besides that I have my mom and a sick brother at home, however my mom and brother are already recovering, so I can take some time to read and comment on the most prominent publications, greetings my friend stay safe.

Right.. I love the motivation behind the topic, challenges of life should be seen as a reason to try even harder and better.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 60973.26
ETH 2366.47
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.58