Problems associated with the collection of the tax on the economic activities of industry and commerce
As I have already pointed out in my recent publications, the collection of the tax on economic activities of industry, commerce, service or similar nature, is developed by physical and/or virtual instances of tax administration attached to the local territorial entities in any country.

These physical and/or virtual instances of tax administration are in charge of the registration, control and inspection of the same, governed by the ordinances on the economic activities of industries, commerce, service or similar nature, which the territories may create as a tax regulation.
However, in the local territorial entities in any country, problems can be seen in relation to the level of collection of the tax on economic activities, as well as other ordinary direct taxes, due to the fact that there are weaknesses in the setting of the monthly tax rate with respect to the category of commercial economic activity of some taxpayers.
Since their inception, these entities have contributed directly to the economic and social growth of the regions, through the timely payment of taxes, maintaining a constant relationship with the active entity of this tax with the purpose of obtaining efficient results within the tax sphere.

This has been a complex task due to the constant increase of the inflationary rate that threatens the traditional structures of the main economic and financial powers of the world, which has caused these instances to also create verification strategies that guarantee their collection process through the application of rates that significantly impact the economic stability of the entity.
Tax impact might be seen in lots of countries but in my country Nigeria, it is quite different as Tax payers money is not working