Good day people.
I often ask myself why people feel the need to constantly compare themselves to others. Why?
Often people look at others and compare themselves. They look at what the other person has that they don't and then they start feeling cheated by the world.
I have also been there and I believe that one point, we have all been there. After all, we are humans and humans admire and make wishes.
I wish I had what she has
I wish I had the body she has
I wish I was as clever as he is
I wish I was born in a wealthy family like her
I wish I had my life figured out like he does
I wish I could go out to expensive clubs every Friday night like they always do.
I wish...I wish..I wish!!!
It goes on.
One thing i came to terms with is that our lives have been designed in different ways. Our opportunities come at different times and our blessings flow in different directions.
It is okay to not have everything figured out. It is okay to not be at the same pace as everyone one else.
Today I read a quote on someone's WhatsApp status that really put alot in perspective. The quote read;
Look at how beautiful a snow flex is and see how beautiful the wings of the butterfly are decorated. Do you honestly believe that the same God who put so much detail into such things forgot to put even more details while designing your life? Don't forget that you were made in His own image.
That simply tells you that God has a plan for all of us. The plan was made the moment He placed you in your mother's womb so give it time and it will unfold and blossom.
Understand that there will always be people who have something that you wish for and there will always be someone more successful or more beautiful than you are but that shouldn't be a reason for you to put yourself down. Be patient because when you time comes, you will look back at the times you questioned God's love and you will realize that you were worrying for no good reason.
You are perfectly made
Take pride in who you are
I have loved this particular post about comparison. It's like a poem. 👍👍👍
God created us in his own images but for different purposes, so we shouldn't compare ourselves to ours.
We are what we are because of our purpose designed for by God.
No plagiarism detected in your blog and keep steeming up in @teamuganda
That's very true. It is important for all of us to learn how to appreciate ourselves for the Lord who made us makes no errors 🤗🤗
Thanks for reading
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