19th century rush Chapter 1

in OCD4 years ago


Ever taken a moment to think things through? Noticed how the people who are "law abiding" and "obedient" make up the poor masses? How the rich don't act or even think the law applies to them? Well, I'll tell you why, because it really doesn't!
Its 1864, in a small secluded town, with little or nothing to offer, a smart, yeah, really smart young Christian wasn't content with his life. But really, why should he?! He struggles everyday to get even the worst meals, uncertain about how, where and when he would get to sleep daily. Who could be content with that?!
Fortunately, Christian is a moral, obedient, law abiding citizen and makes a honest living. Yeah right! Honest! Like that pays the bills! Well, he did show some restraint, but I guess we all have our breaking points where we come to an agreement with ourselves to throw away all we believe was good and right and let the end justify the means.
Well, how do I justify this? He's been working for a certain boss for about 5 years, yeah, since he was 13. He just needed a hand, just this once, but nah, nobody's business. Get your stuff yourself kinda world. So, yeah, okay, he did! Can't remember the details, but Christian finally broke! This one time, ever! He took what wasn't his. It wasnt even such a big deal, what he stole wasn't worth shit! But no! The rich enjoy to make an example of the poor, so yeah, they did just that! In the name of the law, in the name of justice, in the name of what is right! He was imprisoned, with no trials, no hearings, nothing! I think he wasnt even sentenced yet, he might have just been waiting for his trial. Who knows! Who cares! He's been in prison for more than a year now.
Imagine putting a young lad, who really is morally upright with lawless criminals. A day seemed more than a year! Well, time does what time does, change, the undeniable reality. He now saw what it really is, how "the law" is really just a scheme to keep people in check, because there was nothing lawful about his situation.
Long story short, he's out of prison. The law finally came around? Lol! Nope! I don't have the details, but I know he basically tagged along on a prison break of some notorious gang members... you know what that means! Our guy has joined bad gang! Well, that's what I thought until recently, I heard he actually wasn't a member of the gang but we'll get to that.
Remember when I said Christian is smart? He isn't a big fellow, wasn't gonna win the bar fight against the next guy. But his mind, that, that was gonna win any battle. And he just waged one... against the law!
What are the pillars of life? What really matters to a person? Family? Security? Comfort? Religion? Well, in my opinion, religion shouldn't be listed, and frankly, in his too, but once again, I'm wrong. He wasnt the religious man per say, but he did love his God. I find it creepy when a criminal is so God fearing. Let's get back to our guy. So the pillars of life... he had no family, lol, not even a distant relative. I think that was a good thing for him if you ask me, family has a way of holding one back.
Now, Christian finds himself in a new city, nobody knows him, he knows nobody. Perfect restart! Well, then, he's got all the gang stuff going on around him... and they pretty much ch put a roof over his head, so, I guess it's not such a perfect restart.
He was called up by the boss at some point, whatever conversation happened in there, I mean, he didn't talk about it, ever, but he was pretty much assigned to a group of 4, was given a gun, and was told to do whatever but must bring to the table an expected amount. So basically, he and the other 3 guys with him are to go into the world, what they do is there business and at an expected time, bring offerings to the boss. So much for a new start. The guys with him were people he was already acquainted with, you know, from his prison days. So we have 4 low budget criminals out in the cold, how are they to meet their quota?
I don't think there's much to it, stay in a dark alley, wait for a drunk fuck, rob him at gun point. Easy does it. So they did, it was goi g smooth for the first week or two, then people got smart enough to avoid the high risk zones. Now customers were no longer coming to shop, how do they get paid? Next best thing, go rob small business owners, sometimes they hit real good that just that night's work would pay off the boss. But I think we can agree that anyone with a gun can pull any of these off. Living off crumbs?! I'd expect better form Christian. Apparently, so did he.

Picture source; https://www.google.com/search?q=1860+pictures+of+young+men&tbm=isch&hl=en-US&prmd=inmv&hl=en-US&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZ3oSQgt3rAhUSVhoKHd0yB8sQgowBegQIARAD&biw=412&bih=758#imgrc=L2o_

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