Views from a cold bedroom

in OCD4 years ago

The oil didn't last long through the night, but there wasn't much in the can - maybe a few liters. Our daughter woke up crying as she was cold, but it is not uncommon as she kicks all the blankets off and won't put them back on herself.

IMG_20200410_074700 1.jpg

I will go and fetch another can of oil soon and perhaps I will be able to find a hardware store to buy a plastic one, as the metal are quite expensive. I am not really keen on having to fill up every day, but it isn't for too long.

The picture is taken from bedroom, which will later be the dining room and the birch tree outside the window will unfortunately be felled, as it is too close to the house and also the hedge. Birch suck up water and not much grows around them.

There are so many thingd on the list to get done, but today we are going to open up some wall panelling and see what is inside. That way, we will have a better idea of what is possible in regards to moving walls, as the plans we have were supposedly unclear as to which are load-bearing. Depending on the results, our plans might need to change somewhat.

As you can see from the picture, the windows are original from the 60s and we will have to change them at some point, but it is a long way out of our current budget. We had then quoted and it is about 23,000 euros to replace. I am not sure when our budget will allow for that, but luckily they are in pretty good condition so we can make do for a while.

Right... On 5 hours sleep, it is time for breakfast and then getting to work.



Nice one buddy, I'm glad you are settling in to your new house there. Leave the renovation for a year or two though, it's the last thing to worry about now. Staying liquid is far more crucial in these uncertain times.

Three are reasons we had to do the renovation now due the banks. Will be fun though :)

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