
in OCD5 years ago (edited)

I have a lot of money in the bank. The problem is, it isn't mine - it is the bank's and is earmarked for renovation work. If it was mine, a fair whack of it would be dumped onto the markets today in an attempt to make up for lost ground, since I should have started investing, well - anytime earlier in my life than I did - which has been in the last 3 years only.

Today I had to add a little bio about myself for a client, and I realized that it has been 30 years since I got my first paying job, which was clearing construction debris from houses before the painters and fitters came in to finish the interior. It paid well too, for an eleven year old, and was cash in hand. I probably spent the money on food.

The other day I bought a little Bitcoin at $7,800. Not much of course, as I don't have a great deal of disposable income to put on luxury items, like investments for the future. I am trying though and have the view that crypto is my opportunity to generate some wealth with very low resources, but I understand that at the level I am able to enter the market, any significant results that can change my life is going to take time.

I think we have created a society that more readily believes that the odds of striking it rich fast are better than they actually are. I have the sense that a part of this is due to the visibility of others who have done so, people who appear to become wealthy overnight, as the internet discovers a few of them from all over the world, and then spreads them globally to make it seem far more common than it actually is.

I actually feel that the the same thing happens for people to think that the youth are highly creative and skilled, because the internet tells them. I believe that we see so much cherry-picked special on the internet that we are fooled into thinking it is common, due to an availability bias. In a population of 7 billion potential candidates, it is pretty easy to find 1 million people who have for whatever reason, are brilliant, gifted, talented or just damn lucky.

For the most part, the people who are wealthy today and didn't inherit their position, have built it incrementally over time so that they have some extra, and when opportunity presents, they invest into it. The "invest in" is a very important aspect that many seem to leave out, as they do not want to risk the investment. A lot of people think they can get rich by saving, it isn't really the case. To be wealthy, you need the money saved to generate significantly and then keep rolling it in so that compound interest can run its game.

The challenge for many is to be able to have value just sitting there "doing nothing" as the temptation to use it for this, that and the other thing can be hard to fight in the socially-charged, consumption fugue state we have created. Ever wondered why they announce on the news that "consumer spending is down" as if it is a bad thing for the consumer?

It is kind of funny that we are often pushed the narrative that we should be supporting businesses, when in actual fact, businesses only exist because of us, they should be supporting the community. Why is it that corporate income and capital gains tax is lower than that of a person who works daily in a corporation, so that they can spend their earnings at it and the profits generate value for people who don't have to work for that income at all?

The system we participate daily in is very much broken, yet we persist and maintain the narrative, believing the few cherry-picked cases that others have worked their way to the top, and we can too. It reminds me of the old Schwarznegger movie, The running man, where the successful winners of the violent gauntlet run were publicly sent off rich and happy to a tropical paradise - only to all be later found dead in a locker room.

This is from the start of the 1987 movie.

The best bit is the missing space after the comma.

If we assume that 1% of the world's population are wealthy, that would mean that there are 75,000,000 rich people. How many of them do you think made their money overnight? Even many of the ones who inherited, likely have worked consistently to keep it generating value and, those who made the initial capital probably didn't get it in the lottery - though, there is always some level of luck involved.

I am not really cut out for investing, as I do not believe I have the right mindset for it, the right attitude and emotional fortitude. But, I am doing it anyway, because what choice is there? The sad reality is that the vast majority can't live off the grid, for as we do, it will all get Hunger Games and The Walking Dead very fast. And while people will say, that is the way of the world and the population is too high, how many would be able to follow through for their survival? And if they do, just imagine what kind of society that group of survivors will create. Post-apocalyptic movies are great to watch, not so great to live, I suspect.

At least, I wouldn't choose that future for my family, if I could help it.

And I can't. Most of the world is so far out of my control that there is very little I can do to make a difference to the global outcomes, but I can make a difference to the local outcomes. Firstly, to my own and those close to me. As they say, think global, act local. The problem is that through the digital platforms we can feel like we are acting globally, while our lives collapse locally. And while out attention is drawn to the global hysteria, those with the means and the will act in ways that will affect our lives daily.

It is like clockwork and we aren't a cog in the machine, we are the machines - and we keep on getting wound up until eventually, the springs will break and the watch will stop. The system is broken and we as consumers are the core part of the problem.

The problem is spreading like a virus.

[ a Steem original ]



I am dumping on the market right now. Probably more than I should, but, the opportunity will not come again for a long time. I have been investing since I was in college.

My dad always said to pay God first and yourself second. Period. That was his method and he raised 9 kids by that. We weren't rich by any means, but, comfortable. I was pretty ignorant, but, I invested in IRA's with my first job out of school and later discovered that some Mutual Funds were a good way to not lose money. Safety in numbers and all.

I know one thing for sure. The next generation coming up is not saving. They are going to sit and wait to inherit.

They have taken every bit of means to save away from them.

Good luck on your renovations! I am excited to hear more about them.

I have been absent because I haven't been able to post. Steempeak won't take my password or username, Steemit just had no post key illuminated to get it going... it has been hell and it has been a week since I have been able to. Tonight took me six hours and even then I ha to edit after posing as it wouldn't post pictures, must little icons.

Anyway... I think I am back.

Great post, as always. You are such an awesome write!


I know one thing for sure. The next generation coming up is not saving. They are going to sit and wait to inherit.

I think what many don't factor is the inheritance is being bled dry, there will be very little. People spend before the cash is on the hand.

The problems you have had posting are really strange, but hopefully sorted out now. Make sure your keys are safr bs welcome back.

Thanks for the unnecessary tip :*


My problems are strange and frustrating. :( I keep my keys as safe as possible. Thanks for the reminder!


Than you for the !Engage tokens! @tarazkp

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" The single greatest edge an investor can have is a long-term orientation " -Seth Klarman

Most of my friends buy the latest Iphones; I buy books.
They buy new pairs of Nikes; I invest in financial products for my retirement, even tho I'm 25.

I guess the point here is we all project ourselves in the future but some choose to see 2 months ahead while some go up to 20+ years ahead.

I am glad there are some younger people looking long, as it is pretty much the only way the youngest generations will survive, my daughter among them.


There aren't many of us, sadly, but I do hope for a change of course.

Problem is, corporations benefit from the spread of consumerism and debt.
Jack Ma once said "When you have 1 billion dollars, that's not your money, that's the trust society gives you". We definitely should stop trusting some of them and I guess Bitcoin is but the very first step.

Great post by the way, and thank you for the ENG. ✌

It would be great if one day there could be a society where economy was trustless, but relationships trusted.

I believe we're close. The needed tools are available...except for the Steemit search bar. 🐌

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think global, act local.

This is something Steem Block Chain wise I have started to try and do. I like the community Idea. My wife and I very rarely shop at the big state wide stores, we prefer to try and support the local grocers and small mom and pop type stores, yeah we pay a little bit more, but in the end we get a little bit more choice of product.

I see the Steem Block Chain the same lately. I used to like, that was the only front end I used, but then I started to see and understand that they were not really representing the people/user but only concerned with their bottom line. I have since switched over to steempeak, will they become the next global steemit in attitude, if so I can always switch to another front end, but they at least seem to be listening to their users and adding features for the user.

I used to only post via steemit, sometime in a tribe or two, but 90% of my postings were in/via steemit, not any more. As I switched over to steempeak to show support and a little respect for what they are trying to accomplish, I have also tried to position the few post I make a week in different communities. Basically shopping at the Mom and pop stores of the Steem Block Chain.

Most of the tribes have gone on to initiate or incorporate themselves as a Community also. When tribes first came out I looked at them as different magazines on a magazine rack, with communities I see them as different mom and pop stores. They both survive when people frequent them and use them. We do not miss them until they are gone and we can no longer go to our favorite pet store to buy that hand made leash that needs to be replaced because we saved a few pennies on the essentials by shopping at pet smart for most of them, Now our shop that carried the dogs favorite bed, that carried those hand made leashes and collars is no longer in business. So I have been trying to support the various communities with my postings. yes some of the larger ones like gems and ocd provide better rewards, but I do like seeing a lot of different choices.

For the Steem Block Chain, (global), to survive the Communities, (local), need to thrive through user support.

yeah we pay a little bit more, but in the end we get a little bit more choice of product.

I was discussing this with a client today. What sucks in Finland i that the Finnish companies charge 30 to 300% more for their products made here, than what thy can be bought for from other countries. It is due to the "trapped market" of the past, that no longer exists.

Basically shopping at the Mom and pop stores of the Steem Block Chain.

I find this a pretty cool part of Steem now. So many pop-ups coming along :)

For the Steem Block Chain, (global), to survive the Communities, (local), need to thrive through user support.

This is the way to look at it and SMTs will add another local layer into the mix.


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Were they allowed to hire 11yos back then? Or did they just never mention hiring you seeing as it was cash in hand XD Or family business? :)

Seems a lot of people struggle with delayed gratification. After all why bother waiting when you can spark joy right now YOLO amirite? XD [rolls away like a tumbleweed]

As for inheritances well the last time someone made a joke about our parents "spending our inheritance" I was like damn straight they should go on those cruises they deserve it (totally I was a ratbag of a child and J was worse apparently XD). We're probably not going to be able to leave much x_x

Were they allowed to hire 11yos back then? Or did they just never mention hiring you seeing as it was cash in hand XD Or family business?

My mother managed a building company for a little while :)

I was like damn straight they should go on those cruises they deserve it

The Corona virus cruise boat? ;D

Since I am not getting an inheritance, I will have to be content working for my living. There are worth lives.

Lots of truth to that. We will see a once in a lifetime change to get equities at a 40-50% discount in the next couple of months. How many will take it?

It is going to be a very rough ride.

This has been the test no one studied for. It's true, that while it feels we can't do anything, but we have to do something, we do what we can. Whether it be, to put away now for another day, or play in the summer sun while things are fun. The grasshopper and the ant was a tale told too early on. While it's quite hairy in general, this is not unfamiliar to those apart of the blockchain and altcoin space. I plan to stack and aggressively, I might add, because this is the moment we've all been waiting for, whether we know it or not.

The grasshopper and the ant

I haven't heard of this for an age.

I plan to stack and aggressively, I might add, because this is the moment we've all been waiting for, whether we know it or not.

Do what you can, help those along the way :)


@thatkidsblack you have received 25 ENGAGE from @tarazkp!
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I will be a generous Emperor.

“The sad reality is that the vast majority can't live off the grid, for as we do, it will all get Hunger Games and The Walking Dead very fast. And while people will say, that is the way of the world and the population is too high, how many would be able to follow through for their survival? And if they do, just imagine what kind of society that group of survivors will create.”

lol. It will be all hentai, all the time.

Good Day @tarazkp, my dad always said things like a penny saved is a penny earned, in God we trust, others pay cash, always keep a nest egg and pay cash for everything...he never used credit, just refused to pay interest. The only note he ever carried was a construction loan to build his house on property that was bought with cash. He said if you don't have the cash, you do without it until you save enough cash. Tough guy, very disciplined.
After he passed away, (still miss him so much), my brothers and sisters and I were blown away by the amount of "cash" that was just hidden in the house, never mind his actual bank accounts. This from a man who barely graduated high school, ran his own paving business , had seven children and left his family a bundle.
I tell my kids all the time, if you don't 'NEED' it, don't buy it, save your money, you never know when it's going to rain.

When it came to money, your dad set a great example for all of us.

My dad was something alright, still miss him.

Dude you wouldn't want to put any money in the markets yet, it just started rolling over!!

What's your call for the BTC bottom?

I don't have any idea, 1000, maybe under? It all depends how long this crises lasts. $5 -$420 bottom I would think it would finally turn around on it's own. Just trying to think up the worst / best case price scenario price range. So Very Low wicks at lest!! It's been going down since 20K, and now we're in a big world wide dip, so we dip for a long time because of the futures guys are in price control now.

I don't think it will get near 1000, but if it does, I will pick up a bit.

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