Dripping in crypto culture

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

In a discussion with an environmental archeologist, the topic of culture came up and then as we moved into crypto talk, I led the conversation toward another area that many people do not consider.

The technological literacy of the coming generation.


Do you know what I mean by this?

When I was a kid, we got a VCR and I learned how to program the clock, same with the microwave - two things my father couldn't manage. There is a logic to it, and once understood, all are pretty much the same. They are all familiar. Familiarity is important for crypto.

At some point the masses that are coming in won't be people like me on my 40s, won't be like you who are perhaps 30s or 20s. They will be the people born from 2000 on, the ones who have never been anything else than smartphones, mobile pay, card transactions, online shopping, YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat and personal branding for likes.

While we currently need to educate users, these children are going to be raised to live and breathe crypto, they are going to have all the skills and sufficient lack of knowledge that allows them to embrace the industry with very little resistance, they will have the logic. And just like being able to programme a digital clock on a superceded system, they will understand and hold the necessary position to leverage blockchains and cryptocurrencies easily into their world. Essentially, they will have the right framework to hang it all upon.

While they may be lacking in many other skills that would help them, their consumptive nature and ease at which they can embrace new platforms is ideally suited to entering in and accepting new technologies without the resistance that their elders hold.

My friend tonight was saying that his daughters play games and watch ads and earn points that they can exchange for goods like soda or something. They can turn their attention into something tangible and, this is normal behaviour, something they are comfortable doing.

It won't be long until these kids are not only adults but, adults who are educated and earning incomes or, looking to earn an income. Where do they go when they recognise that their attention is valuable in a way that we have failed to, where do they turn when the way for them to earn is increasingly away from traditional work and into self-employment?

Right now, these kids are being primed to connect into a tokenized economy even if they do not recognize it at this point themselves and potentially, even if no one else does either.

Once upon a time a company created a product that taught the world how to listen to MP3s and then, they added a phone to it and in so doing, slayed a giant and instigated entire industries to form around them. In time, Blockchain will do the same and cryptocurrency will be the oil in the gears that drive the core and all the spinoff products and services of the future.

It is just matter of time when this happens, the time when the culture of the masses connects with ledgers.

[ an original ]


That is the truth man! I mean that's the pattern of it and people better adapt to this because by the late 2020s, life is going to be very different from what many people now see it as.

The kids of today are going to be well equipped for online living. For better or worse.

Can't argue with that!

Wonderful though! I do agree that today's kid will be better in technology then their parents for sure. I am 23 and have witnessed the growth of technology during my childhood. I too feel like crypto will rule the future economy for sure and our kids and even kids born after 2000 will be best and very familiar to that. By the way all that is very nicely written I actually read the entire blog.
Keep flourishing.

there is a really cool blockchain project in spanish called tutellus. its basically an educational skillshare on the blockchain. I think its gonna be revolutionary when someone finally translates everything into English. you should check it out!

I will have a look, although my Spanish is limited to ordering a beer - and I don't drink beer... :)

The new generation for having these technologies available, it can also be a two-edged sword though.

Yep, many will be enslaved by the tech.

Agree, many will be freed from mundane things and hard labor but also many will be enslaved.

@tarazkp! May I ask what your little princess's name is?

By the way, are you posting on both Steemit and Hive? So what happens to the Steam Power and cryptocurrency you receive from both Steemit and Hive? If I post on Steemit, will it be posted on Hive?

@smallsteps :)

I am posting on both. Some overlap, some originals.

Hive I am powering up and powering down on Steem. I might keep my earnings from the power down period on Steem though. Not sure, it depends on the witnesses and the fool in charge of them.

No, Hive is a completely different chain and cryptocurrency. You can log in there with the same credentials though.

Thanks for your kind advice. I saw you posting on Steemit, and I wanted to know what Steam Power and cryptocurrencies are. I don't know what to do with Steam Power and cryptocurrency stored in Steemit.

Steem power is your voting power, what gives votes value. The more you have, the more value you vote has.

Steem is a crypto that you can buy and sell, like bitcoin. It is also what makes steem power, by "powering up".

Thank you for your advice. I have to study more..

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