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RE: The focus of 2020

in OCD5 years ago

I didn't really make any resolutions myself because I've already been focused on trying to make better decisions in my life. Unlike you, I'm 100% all-or-nothing, but different approaches work for different people. Some people are moderators and some people (like me) are abstainers. Figuring out which one you are is the first step.

Even though it's winter where I live and there's snow and slush all over, I'm still walking like 2-5 miles a day with my dog. I've been motivated to do small, bodyweight exercises on a daily basis too. Pushups, chin-ups, pull-ups, planking, etc. That's all I really need to do in order to maintain my ideal body composition. What helps me with that is that I don't eat any sugar, grains, or processed foods. I don't consume alcohol, either. I think a lot of people may be fighting uphill battles with their physique in ways that I'm not because of my diet and the amount of walking I get in and whatnot.

Best of luck to you in the rest of 2020!


THe biggest issue for me is definitely diet as while I generally (time is an issue sometimes) can fit exercise into life, I can also fit a lot of unnecessary sugar :)

A lot of people in Finland are on or off personalities and I find that the problem is for most is that it is also condition dependent, often with things they have no control over. One little piece out of place, and they are off.

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