RE: 10 Silly Questions - Just For Fun!
Dear @saffisara, thank you for sharing your answers, it was a pleasue and so much fun to read them. As always, you put your personal dose of sassiness which I love!
Sara is one of my favorite names and I used to think if I ever have a girl, I would name her Sara but then my brother took the name so now I have a niece named Sara, haha. :D
I like the idea of traveling around the world, meeting people from Steemit - that would be a dream come true and I think that, someday, it will happen for many of us (maybe not the entire world but a few countries at least)! :D
I'm all in for learning "men language" but maybe I'll need a few of those cool looking blue drinks to handle it, lol.
Thank you again for doing this challenge, for your support, it already made my day reading this. And yeah, 10 facts 1 lie was one of my favorite challenges, I think! :)
Have a wonderful Sunday! <3