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RE: 'You got thinner!'

in OCD5 years ago

Weight is the thing that is super sensitive, regardless if someone is really skinny or really big. I used to get made fun of a lot when I was a kid for it ( kind of weird since most of America is fat as hell, and we probably have the most diet products ever). But I think the worst even as an adult is being judged my parents or people from my ethnic background home country ( The Philippines). It's like they have no filter when saying a comment which I feel is really rude and some people take really personal.

I have a friend who is bigger but not exactly fat. She just has a bigger build then the average Filipino girl ( shoulders, quad muscles etc. She could prob kick a girls ass to be honest.) But she hates going back to the Philippines because they are very judgmental about it. At the end of the day though I think someone who judges that harshly has nothing else good to share. So in your case, I think its best to just stray away a bit from those people and hang out with people that are more supportive. There is a big difference in suggesting " hey I've been eating more veggies and doing a little walk in the morning and it makes a big difference" to someone who wants to loose weight or " I've been just eating more meals with higher caloric intake but keeping it healthy" then just saying .. " You should eat something, You'll be look better". Or " eat less and You'll look so handsome". It's also funny cause its more then likely aunts or family members who say this, are not in too good of shape as well. And what is worse is sometimes their children carry the same methodology of thinking and start touting the same things smh.


It's like they have no filter when saying a comment which I feel is really rude and some people take really personal.

This is so fucking true. I am a Filipino and I live here, and it's such a shame that most Filipinos do this. Whatever you do, they will always have a comment about everything about you even though it's none of their business. They don't really care or "concerned" about you, they just want to say something and hopefully drag you down. Really toxic. They will even try to force you to live your life with how they want it, especially the relatives.

I'm sorry for what you've been through. It's terrible.

yeah =( well now we are in isolation cause of this virus so I guess time for some peace. Enough of that Crab mentality

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