Vegan Veggie Tofu Bolognese Sauce (ENG/ PT/ DE)
vegan vegetables tofu bolognese sauce
- Tofu
- Tomatoes
- Onions
- Corn
- Garlic
- Oregano
- Herbs of the Province
- Nutmeg
- Salt
- Tomato sauce
Crumble the tofu with a fork or your hands and fry in olive oil, add onions, tomatoes and spices.
At the end, add the tomato sauce, mix all well, done.
Bon Appetit
legumes vegan tofu molho à bolonhesa
- Tofu
- Tomate
- Cebolas
- Milho
- Alho
- Oregãos
- Ervas da província
- not moscada moida
- Sal
- Molho de tomate
Esmague o tofu com um garfo ou com as mãos e frite em azeite, adicione cebola, tomate e especiarias.
No final, junte o molho de tomate, misture tudo bem, pronto.
Basta olhar para as fotografias, já captei quase todos os seus passos.
Bon Appetit
vegane Gemüse Tofu Bolognese Sauce
- Tofu
- Tomaten
- Zwiebeln
- Mais
- Knoblauch
- Oregano
- Kräuter der Province
- Muskatnuss
- Salz
- Tomatensauce
Tofu etwas trocknen im Tuch und mit einer Gabel oder den Händen zerbröseln und in Olivenöl anbraten, Zwiebeln, Tomaten und Gewürze dazu geben.
Zum ablöschen die Tomatensauce dazu und umrühren, fertig.
Schaut einfach mal die Bilder an.
Bon Appetit
text and pictures made by myself. Peace
#veganfood #portugal #food #blog #life #lifestyle #healthy #powerhousecreatives #veganstyle #vegansofsteemit #thoughtfuldailypost
This is... Infact let me reserve my comment. I'm just waiting for the day you will tell me to forward my address so you would mail some to me👍🤒
Muuuaaaahaaaa, best feedback, thanks a million. Yeah, maybe when the oversea mail works again. Otherwise you have an inspiration to create it by your own. 🍰🙏👍😇
Okay, I will wait🤗
My kind of pasta so yummy