Lifehack: Let's make instant coffee more fresh and tasty (ENG/ PT/ DE)

in OCD4 years ago


let's make instant coffee more tasty

Who doesn't know it, you travel (okay, maybe not thanks the lock down) and all you have is that disgusting instant coffee.

Bah, but you can still make something really tasty out of it. Served cold.

Depending on how strong you like the coffee taste, 1 to 2 teaspoons of instant coffee, depending on your preference sweet and some cinnamon in addition and about 2-3 teaspoons of water. Mix everything together for about 30 seconds to 1 minute and you have a cream.

Add this to the cooled soy milk (preferably on ice). Just nice!

Just look at the pictures, I've captured nearly every step of you.

Bon Appetit






vamos tornar o café instantâneo mais saboroso

Quem não sabe, viaja (ok, talvez não graças à fechadura) e tudo o que tem é aquele café instantâneo nojento.

Bah, mas ainda se pode fazer algo realmente saboroso com ele.
Servido frio.

Dependendo da intensidade do sabor do café, 1 a 2 colheres de chá de café instantâneo, dependendo da sua preferência, doce e um pouco de canela e cerca de 2 a 3 colheres de chá de água. Misture tudo durante cerca de 30 segundos a 1 minuto e terá um creme.

Adicione isto ao leite de soja arrefecido (de preferência com gelo). Simplesmente agradável!

Basta olhar para as fotografias, já captei quase todos os seus passos.
Bon Appetit







mal der etwas andere Fertigkaffee

Wer kennt es nicht, man reist (okay, eventuell grad nicht dank Sperre) und hat nur diesen widerlichen Instant Kaffee.
Bah, doch daraus kann man sich etwas ganz cooles noch zaubern. Kalt serviert.

Je nachdem wie stark man den Kaffee Geschmack mag 1 bis 2 Teelöffel Instant Kaffee, je nach belieben süßen und etwas Zimt dazu und ca. 2-3 Teelöffel Wasser. Alles ca. 30 Sekunden bis 1 Minute richtig vermischen und schon hat man eine Creme.
Diese zu der gekühlten Soja Milch (gern auf Eis) zugeben. Einfach nice!

Schaut einfach mal die Bilder an.

Bon Appetit

text and pictures made by myself. Peace


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With ice cubes a perfect summer drink. Try it. Incredible I never thought instant coffee could be tasty.

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