Triple bear sign post..chainsaw carved with gratitude
Hello all, first off I'd like to thank you all for supporting my venture here on steemit and allowing me to showcase my work. Especially communities like OCD, you guys rock!
Sharing this piece I carved last summer. A 7 ft sign post with a bear family.
Started off as this massive log that made me look small.
After about an hour into it, I acquired a helper.
My 3 year old son..
He can't wait to carve..
My lazy log dog Jorgie, who somehow can tolerate laying down next to a raging chainsaw but freaks out when you play the
My awesome daughter, who at 16 is pursuing a future in chainsaw carving.
And last but not least, my lovely wife. Who has been with me since beginning this crazy carving career of mine. All of them an asset to my happiness and wellbeing. More than worthy of a shout out..
Sorry for going off topic.
After a few hours of carving and distractions, I managed to get it blocked out.
Heres something that happens on occasion...
Someone left an eye bolt in the tree...just for me 😤
Not cool..
Moving on..
The next day I finished with the saw work.
Up next was fire...
I've mentioned this in previous posts but I use the torch to burn off excess material and sand the piece without sanding. Scraping off the char with a wire brush or flapsander.
Next comes paint.
I use an airbrush for painting my pieces to minimize overspray and provide a soft, clean look.
Here it was complete, except when trying to hang the sign, I found the branch wasn't long enough. Had to cut it off and attach a longer branch. The price I pay for freestyling lol...
Unfortunately I didn't get any shots of this to share with you all. If you look closely, you can see its different.
I hope you enjoy seeing what I "saw"
If so feel free to upvote and resteem
I love what I do and I'm happy to share
Thanks for looking
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