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RE: Avoiding the game

in OCD4 years ago

well, you can make a career in gaming now as well but like in anything else only the top players really make money. And the blockchain seems to be providing opportunities as well, I have 5 decks of splinterlands accounts that are being played by others and is providing them with a nice (extra) income (most of the players are from Venezuela)

But I do agree that learning a skill or something social (not right now though because social distancing tango is really hard) is better for most people


only the top players really make money.

And there are something like 2 billion others in the pool.

But I do agree that learning a skill or something social (not right now though because social distancing tango is really hard) is better for most people

it is more fun and adds life values that can't be had from behind a screen.

How are you coping with the social distancing?

well, we live in a small city in the mountains so its not that bad here. And especially for us its not either since all our family and most of our friends live far away and we are used to "skyping".
We have our dog and take long walks.

How is Finland?

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