113 years ago a very important icon was born in the history of art ... and of the market!

in OCD4 years ago

Frida Kahlo was born on July 6, 1907 in Coyoacán, Mexico. And although not everyone knows the details of her pictorial work and her unconventional way of being, the image of that browed woman, with a soft mustache and hard gaze is reproduced daily, by millions, to generate millions and please the taste of those of us who have once fallen into what has been called "Fridamania".


I particularly like Frida's art, the small formats of her paintings, the painful brushstrokes of a suffering but also vibrant life and an admirable strength.

Frida Kahlo lived 47 years, and until the end of her days she kept her ideological convictions clear, more fervent in her last years of life, which even led her to face her own work: “I am very concerned about the matter of my painting. Above all, by transforming it into something useful ... so far I have only painted the honest expression of myself, but far removed from what my painting can serve the party. I must fight with all my strength so that what little positive my health lets me do is towards helping the revolution. The only real reason to live". It is a quote from Hayden Herrera's book, called "Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo".


This theme generates mixed feelings, because the savage use of his image by the consumer machinery has sometimes been so far from his being that it frightens. Is this okay? Is it something perverse? I don't have that answer, but I do have a curious little eye that looks away while I think "oh oh, I don't think this Barbie Frida likes her".

Anyway, today I celebrate its 113 years with the song “Las Mañanitas”, a traditional Mexican song, the same one that she heard on her last birthday, and I honor her, along with so many women artists who have left indelible marks on the canvas of the history.

"The day you were born
All flowers were born
In the christening row
The Nightingales sang ”

Happy birthday Frida!


Por cierto, aquí puedes hacer un recorrido virtual a la Casa Azul de Frida. ¡Te encantará!



Hace 113 años nació un ícono muy importante en la historia del arte… ¡y del mercado!

Frida Kahlo nació el 6 de julio de 1907 en Coyoacán, México. Y aunque no todo el mundo conozca los detalles de su obra pictórica y su poco convencional forma de ser, la imagen de esa mujer cejijunta, de suave bigote y dura mirada se reproduce a diario, por millones, para generar millones y complacer el gusto de quienes hemos caído alguna vez en lo que han llamado la “Fridamanía”.

A mí en particular me gusta mucho el arte de Frida, los formatos pequeños de sus cuadros, las pinceladas dolientes de una vida su-Frida pero también vibrante y de una fortaleza admirable.

47 años vivió Frida Kahlo, y hasta el final de sus días mantuvo clara sus convicciones ideológicas, más fervorosas en sus últimos años de vida, que incluso la llevó a encarar su propia obra: “Tengo mucha inquietud en el asunto de mi pintura. Sobretodo por transformarla para que sea algo útil... pues hasta ahora no he pintado sino la expresión honrada de mí misma, pero alejada absolutamente de lo que mi pintura pueda servir al partido. Debo luchar con todas mis fuerzas para que lo poco de positivo que mi salud me deje hacer sea en dirección a ayudar a la revolución. La única razón real para vivir”. Es una cita del libro de Hayden Herrera, llamado “Frida: Una biografía de Frida Kahlo”.

Este tema genera sentimientos encontrados, pues el salvaje uso de su imagen por parte de la maquinaria de consumo ha sido en ocasiones tan alejada de su ser, que espanta. ¿Esto acaso está bien? ¿Es algo perverso? Yo no tengo esa respuesta, pero sí un ojito acucioso que le da por mirar a otro lado mientras pienso "oh oh, no creo que esta Barbie Frida sea de su agrado".

De todas maneras, hoy celebro sus 113 añitos con la canción de “Las Mañanitas”, una canción tradicional mexicana, la misma que escuchó en su último cumpleaños, y la honro, junto a tantas mujeres artistas que han dejado huellas indelebles en el lienzo de la historia.

“El día en que tú naciste
Nacieron todas las flores
En la fila del bautizo
Cantaron los Ruiseñores”

¡Feliz cumpleaños Frida!

Por cierto, aquí puedes hacer un recorrido virtual a la Casa Azul de Frida. ¡Te encantará!


Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


I understand the ideology behind beautiful things but I don't understand the ideology behind art. Really 🤔¿?

Happy birthday Frida. I really don't know you before but came across it in this beautiful blog. I guess your painting isn't as popular as the likes of Monalisa.

I can't wish for many more years😂😂😂 I can only wish that more and more people will recognize your art work sooner.

Good night
Becky 😮

I understand the ideology behind beautiful things but I don't understand the ideology behind art. Really 🤔¿?

Happy birthday Frida. I really don't know you before but came across it in this beautiful blog. I guess your painting isn't as popular as the likes of Monalisa.

I can't wish for many more years😂😂😂 I can only wish that more and more people will recognize your art work sooner.

Good night

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