Other side - watercolor on paper mixed with SARS-CoV-2

in OCD5 years ago (edited)


Other side

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watercolor on paper

Other side.

There is a part of that which is within us, it is an irrational and emotional sphere that refuses to believe what is happening in the world.

How will it end?
I don't know, but I hope soon.

Tonight, after listening to the latest news, I was unable to sleep.
Breaking news:

106 out of 196 countries

in the world infected by the new globalization disease.
The news coming from the media would be better not to hear them, but they are like a drug and you are constantly looking for them because you need them, you have to feed on words that are configured in the mind like boulders, and then disappear again.

At 2.30 last night, the information Agency Ansa reports that the Italian government has taken more stringent measures to contain the spread of the virus in Lombardy and in 14 other provinces where the infections are greater.

Then you realize that they can hurt you and try to distract yourself.
I got dressed and went down, am I going to have a nice beer?
No! Are the premises closed by order or by choice of the owners? I do not know.

Ok, then I go to my studio to paint, my personal way of exorcising worries, the thought of my son, in the red zone.

He hasn't been answering the phone for two days, he hasn't been reading messages.
A thousand questions torment your mind, because if you test positive at SARS-CoV-2 they will get you and you won't see anyone again until you are healed.


Overnight you lose a loved one, a friend, without even knowing how it will end, disappears into a resuscitation room and you can only hope and wait. The aliens kidnapped him.


Swear in all the languages ​​of the world but you know it is useless.I walk on foot in the dead, desolate and deserted city, the time for war has come. The government has imposed the closure of everything, schools, restaurants, cinemas, theaters, stadiums, gyms, any place where one can speak and exchange culture or human information.
Even weddings and other religious ceremonies such as funerals are suspended, you will be cremated or buried alone, so you won't notice.


Italy in a state of emergency, such as China, Korea and Iran.

We are the remains of humanity that rework the lost memory and only now do we realize how far we are behind the inner well-being, the quality of human life.

I look at the phone and nothing!
No response from Daniele.

It's dark outside, it's 2:00 in the morning and I sit at the table.

I take the pencil and feel a repulsion at the thought of drawing something real. Then I paint what I feel, today no bright colors, no light for my watercolor.


A sky and our remains of civilization, ruins of useless progress, which we have built like a giant with clay feet, weak, without foundations.
The foundations of humanity, of solidarity between peoples, of sharing emotions, of deep passions are missing.


We have globalized everything, here and now, a few hours and we are on the other side of the planet, one click and we talk to the whole world, distances zeroed by technology.

attimi .jpg

However, feelings and emotions are not globalized, they will never be, this is the unbridgeable distance between man and technology.

We are facing the biggest problem of our recent history, within it we can take a world break to question ourselves and reflect on our future, on human relationships.

Here's the virus!

We can stay at home with our loved ones, with some sure friends, we regain our lives, we dedicate more time to those who need it and to ourselves.

I finish painting among a thousand dark thoughts, like the night of this Gothic city.


I look at the phone, a new message, Daniele replied, he is fine but he cannot go home, order of the Prime Minister.
Travel in and out of Lombardy and the 14 provinces concerned is prohibited. We can only move for emergencies or "proven" work needs, which must however be authorized by the prefect.

Today we talked to him, he had left his cell phone in a bar and had to wait two days to get it back because the owner is in quarantine and his wife, fortunately negative in the swab test, returned the phone to my son.

A hug, with affection.





L'altra parte.

C'è una parte di che si trova nell'intimo, dentro di noi, è una sfera irrazionale ed emotiva che si rifiuta di credere a quello che sta accadendo nel mondo.

Come finirà?

Non lo so, ma spero presto.

Stanotte dopo aver ascoltato le ultime notizie non sono riuscito a prendere sonno.
Ultim'ora: 106 su 196 Paesi del mondo infettati dal nuovo morbo della globalizzazione.
Le notizie che arrivano dai media sarebbe meglio non sentirle, ma sono come una droga e le cerchi in continuazione perchè ne hai bisogno, devi alimentarti da parole che si configurano nella mente come macigni, e poi spariscono di nuovo.

Alle 2.30 della notte scorsa l'agenzia di informazione Ansa comunica che il Governo Ita liano ha preso provvedimenti più stringenti per contenere la diffusione del virus in Lombardia e in altre 14 province dove i contagi sono maggiori.

Poi ti accorgi che ti possono far male e provi a distrarti.
Mi sono vestito e sono sceso, vado a bere una bella birra?
I locali sono chiusi per ordinanza o per scelta dei proprietari? Non lo so.

Ok allora vado al mio studio per dipingere, il mio modo personale di esorcizzare le preoccupazioni, il pensiero di mio figlio, nella zona rossa.

Da due giorni non mi risponde al telefono, non legge i messaggi.
Mille domande ti assillano la mente, perchè se risulti positivo al Covid-19 ti vengono prendere e non vedrai più nessuno fino a quando non sarai guarito.

Dall'oggi al domani perdi un tuo caro, un amico, senza nemmeno sapere come andrà a finire, sparisce dentro una sala di rianimazione e non puoi fare altro che sperare e aspettare.

Lo hanno rapito gli alieni.

Bestemmi in tutte le lingue del mondo ma sai che non serve a nulla.

Cammino a piedi
nella città morta, desolata e deserta, il tempo di guerra è arrivato. Il governo ha imposto la chiusura di tutto, scuole, ristoranti, cinema, teatri, stadi, palestre, qualsiasi posto dove si può parlare e scambiare cultura o informazioni umane.
Sospesi anche i matrimoni e altre cerimonie religiose come i funerali, sarai cremato o seppellito da solo, tanto non te ne accorgi.

Italia in stato di emergenza, come la Cina, la Corea e l'Iran.

Siamo resti di umanità che rielaborano la memoria perduta e solo ora ci rendiamo conto di quanto siamo indietro rispetto al benessere interiore, alla qualità della vita umana.

Guardo il telefono e il nulla!
Nessuna risposta da Daniele.

Fuori è buio, sono le 2.00 di notte entro e mi metto seduto al tavolo.

Prendo la matita e sento una repulsione al pensiero di disegnare un qualcosa di reale.
Allora dipingo quello che sento, oggi niente colori vivi, nessuna luce per il mio acquarello.

Un cielo e i nostri resti di civiltà, rovine di un progresso inutile, che abbiamo costruito come un gigante con i piedi di argilla, debole, senza fondamenta.

Mancano le basi dell'umanità, della solidarietà tra i popoli, della condivisione delle emozioni, delle passioni profonde.

Abbiamo globalizzato tutto, qui e ora, poche ore e siamo nell'altro capo del pianeta, un clic e parliamo con tutto il mondo, distanze azzerate dalla tecnologia.

I sentimenti e le emozioni però non sono globalizzati, non lo saranno mai, questa è la distanza incolmabile tra l'uomo e la tecnologia.

Siamo di fronte al più grande problema della nostra storia recente, dentro di esso possiamo prenderci una pausa mondiale per interrogarci e riflettere sul nostro futuro, sui rapporti umani.

Ecco il virus!

Possiamo stare a casa con i nostri cari, con qualche amico sicuro, ci riappropriamo delle nostre vite, dedichiamo più tempo a chi ne ha bisogno e a noi stessi.

Finisco di dipingere tra mille pensieri bui, come la notte di questa città gotica.

Guardo il telefono, un nuovo messaggio, Daniele ha risposto, sta bene ma non può tornare a casa, ordine della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri.

Vietati gli spostamenti in entrata e uscita dalla Lombardia e dalle 14 province interessate. Ci si potrà muovere soltanto per emergenze o "comprovate" esigenze lavorative, che dovranno però essere autorizzate dal prefetto.

Oggi ci siamo sentiti, aveva lasciato il cellulare in un bar e ha dovuto aspettare due giorni per riaverlo perchè il proprietario è in quarantena e la moglie per fortuna negativa al test del tampone ha restituito il telefono a mio figlio.

Un abbraccio, con affetto.


my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/armando.sodano

separatore 2.jpg

my web site

my channel

Art teacher
Curator of cultural activities
Artistic director and President of the Cultural Association "I Colori della Vita"


and "Fuori Controllo" Festival

separatore 2.jpg


This was intriguing and lovely. Sad, anxious, deep, hopeful, all the stuff 🙌🏼

Thanks for reading and commenting we hope for a better world.

Armando, I know this corona virus thing is unsettling, Italy is particularly hard struck so far, and it is certainly nothing to ignore. But to put it in perspective and hopefully make you sleep better again, consider this: EVERY YEAR WE HAVE AN INFLUENZA SEASON WITH TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DEATHS IN EUROPE - and nobody is even talking about it, let alone worry about it! It's part of life, and if your number is up, it's up.

I suspect much more sinister motives behind the miscellaneous measures taken by our respective governments. A disease outbreak with a lot of press is a wonderful occassion to curtail people's civil liberties without them complaining. I honestly think this is what this is about. Our governments a.k.a. EU are trying out "how much China" they can impose on us! Northern Italy is ideal, because of the recent successes of your Salvini Lega. If it's working there, it will work anywhere. Just an idea...

A well disinfected hug, my friend.

P.S. The art is great, as always.

Dear my friend, I too have a half theory about a strategy for crippling.
I state that I have very different ideas of that fucking ass of salvini (in lowercase) and I also fight it politically. I think, however, all this only benefits the pharmaceutical multinationals and the reduction of the popular will to move with the head and with the ideas (as you say).

We are in shit and not from the health point of view from the point of view of freedom controlled by a centralized government.

A clean embrace without Lega and salvini.

that fucking ass of salvini

I'm sorry, I should have expressed that better: When I wrote "your Salvini Lega" I didn't mean to imply that you personally have political sympathies for that group. I should have written "the Italian Salvini Lega". Mi dispiace!

The gist of my idea is that Northern Italy has a particularly strong anti-EU voter base which makes it a perfect political test run for anti-democratic measures. So they impose the strictest quarantine measures there first, to see how the people will react. They could have used Paris instead, but there it would be much harder to cleanly distinguish the results from the general unrest (gilets jaunes etc.) caused by Macron's policies.

We are in shit and not from the health point of view from the point of view of freedom controlled by a centralized government.

Exactly! Time will tell what's really behind it all.

Allow me to express my opinion: Salvini (and his party, which has been in government for several years) is only apparently against the Euro, but in the facts it is completely aligned with the supranational oligarchy that commands the world.

Cheers & !ENGAGE 33

This may be so; I don't know enough about regional politics in Italy to have a really firm opinion and our press here as anywhere tends to lie, i. e. tell us what they want us to believe. It was just an idea. Other explanations may be just as valid, the medical ones being just a side effect of the real circumstances.

The important fact is that they have (UE and Pharma) chosen two Regions which are politically administered by incompetent and sectarian political figures and who have spread a policy of social exclusion and racism, just like SARS Cov-2.

I almost agree with your thesis in fact Lombardy and Veneto are administered by completely incompetent politicians who have already changed their minds on the government's restrictions several times.
So they don't know how to act.

It's not a thesis, just an idea. Pharma... That's as good a guess as any. But I submit to you, the common cold is also a corona virus AFAIK. They don't have a cure for that, yet they're claiming they'll have a medicine for this variant inside a year or so? Why not for the common cold? Could it be they're making too much money relieving cold symptoms? Liars, nothing but greedy liars :-)

Beautiful painting. Glad to hear your son is safe. The situation in the north of Italy sounds very troubling. We still hope to visit Venice in the summer 🙏🏽

Hey @fleur,

When you'll come to Venice, contact me: if I'll be here in the area, I would like to offer you tea with pastries! ;)


Thanks, that's really kind of you 😊 I hope you and your father stay safe. Sorry to hear about the lockdown there.

hello @fleur I assure you that Matteo (@amico) is very nice and has a nice cheerful family like him.

WOW, you make me blush!

Thanks for reading and thanks on behalf of all Italians, you will surely be able to visit Venice this summer.

Daih @armandosodano, sono contento che tuo figlio abbia avuto una semplice "disavventura" col suo telefono: tutto è bene ciò che finisce bene? ;)

Un caro abbraccio (virus-negativo) da una provincia col bollino rosso! 🤗

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grazie Matteo abbiate cura di voi che siete delle belle persone! Un abbraccio devitalizzato dai virus e dai microbi stron..i

Ahahahhahhh... va tutto bene e stiamo tutti bene!
(I cani sono particolarmente felici di avere un accompagnatore con più tempo a loro disposizione, LOL)


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Bravoooo Armando!
It is very interesting to read you. Your watercolors fascinate me. Cheers @armandosodano

thank you so much a hug free from any virus and lousy politics.

Beautiful paintings and beautiful words.

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