The End of Engagement on Steem?

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

It is very likely that this coming Sunday, there will be no Engagement League post for the first time in over two years.


Current happenings in both the outside world, and where I spend the majority of my time when (not at work and) facing a screen have left me deflated/anxious/confused.

The Engagement League post has been my weekly addition to the Steem chain for a while now. Providing account data and, due to the hugely positive feedback, feeling like I has something worthwhile to contribute each week has been key for me. I know that when I'm lacking ideas, I have the Sunday post and that entry has usually sparked some inspiration for other posts during the week.

With a new chain incoming, SteemSQL (HiveSQL) up in the air while @arcange ponders what to do, as well as the community thinking through their next steps (mostly to Hive by the looks of it), I've decided to take a break from publishing the EL post while the dust settles. I think it's highly unlikely that @arcange will want to manage two databases (and their increasing costs), and so one of the main sources of my content is now uncertain.

Pity I didn't do a weekly beer drinking post - highly suitable for both chains I am sure!

Just because the EL post won't be around, that's not to say that the content and commentary on Steem will evaporate, but reading around this evening does tend to suggest that a number of accounts I follow will be migrating over to Hive, and potentially dumping their STEEM.

From what I gather, the Steem accounts snapshot has taken place already, and so we'll get 1-1 STEEM/HIVE tokens, as well as the SP/HP, including delegations. Also in @hiveio's post, was a section about STEEM on exchanges, and to me it read that the snapshot their would be taken at a later date - when an exchange has agreed to list Hive tokens. I could be wrong here, but if not, it seems that those holding liquid STEEM in a Steem account prior to the announcement, could now move this STEEM over to a exchange and get a 2nd Hive token drop?

Hopefully someone can clarify this?

The other main virus in our lives at present, Covid-19, is steadily pushing the UK to take the same measures as every other country (bar Holland I think?). The initial plan was to build a 'herd immunity' and just let people get on with their business, but that has now changed (due to estimates of 250,000 deaths), to stay away from people, hide the elderly, don't go to work if you can work at home, and don't take ibuprofen.

Cases have shot up again today and it's likely schools will close at the weekend. I suspect we are about a week away from lockdown as the NHS reaches breaking point. Luckily for me, I can work from home, although I think my role is high risk considering how long I've been at the company, and the company relying on healthy volunteers. I think the business will close for a period at some point - but at least we have 87 beds to rent to the NHS if need be.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very interested to see what happens next on Hive, and if the STEEM tokens I've earned will be worth anything in the near future, it's just all a bit uncertain right now.

Right, I'd best go and see if the supermarket has any bread/pasta/toilet roll - probably not.

Stay safe, see you soon I hope,


For me :)



It is a difficult time. I have enjoyed very much all that you have done for the people of steem, The EL, and the monthly scripts, and the plain old ordinary post. I will still be checking in on steem block chain, but most of my activity will be over on Hive I think at this point. Right now it honestly is to soon to tell for sure. I do know I will be giving it a good check out, and run through to see if it holds up to the stated goals. There are a few points i am not sure about yet, but those will be observed when the chain starts to run.

I am also concerned with and curious to see how things are going to play out on steem block chain. I hope that at least 4 of the top witnesses are able to stay in the top 20 on steem block chain, this will at least prevent justin from making unilateral decisions for everyone on the chain.

Will Hive be able to avoid the problem that brought down steem community? I am not sure yet. Will the social side be as nice as it was on steem block chain, I grew very fond of being able to visit place in the world I would never see, it was nice getting the view of real people in those places, I hope that carries over to Hive Chain.

For the walking life virus, just remember to keep your hands clean, and face and try not to touch your face until you have done a through job of washing the hands. Reality is hiding from and avoiding the virus is not going to be easy unless you have a space suit and a fully sterilized home like the guy that was in the comedy "Northern Exposure" who replaced the original star. (series went down hill fast after that), but was a funny show.

Stay safe, try not to let stuff get you down, that would lower the bodies immunity system. maybe rent some comedies to watch with your daughter.

Thanks man :)

Pulling data and trying to present something useful has been my thing and I've done well from doing so, both STEEM and engagement-wise. It does feel like the right time for a break though, and hopefully there will be room for similar in the future.

I have a habit of biting my nails but am making sure i do a damn good job washing my hands following trips out - which are growing less and less - I presume the home is covid free :)

I've got a subscription to Amazon prime and so if I do get bored I'll take a look there, although it's not come to that much yet. It's my daughters 14th at the end of next week, something tells me it'll be a video chat to wish her happy 14th.

See you soon :)

Yes, and one other thing, thank you for all the engage tokens, and all those that gave me some. i did sell some today and I am now at 3000+ SP, I wanted to go into the hive with 3000+, so hopefully I did it early enough. I got like 24+ Steemp for 1000 I think it was something like that, any way, all those other little tokens also helped a little bit on the steem engine. I still have a lot of engage left though so when I drop in on steem every now and then in the future the EL will live on via the tokens. That is when I remember.

No worries :)

Yes acid is saying to sell some, I have no issues with people doing that. Hopefully they can return to being a leading alt-token at some point :)


Think I will drop back to 1250 tokens then. It is a shame the split and all, I might have reached dolphin status by the end of this year if it continued the way it started 400 SP in 2 and a half months. That was a lot for me to see.

@bashadow you have received 50 ENGAGE from @abh12345!
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@abh12345 you have received 25 ENGAGE from @bashadow!
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Phew... and I thought I would have to keep sponsoring after dumping all my Steem... :D

Didn't know about the ibuprofen thing, but makes sense as I am not allowed to take it with my other medication either. And yeah, this year was meant to be glorious, and instead it is looking like 1929.

I think it's more of a precaution than a definate no-no - see reviseS's reply.

The sponsors have been awesome, especially during these low value times. Thanks!


Yeah, I don't take it but my wife does. Lets's see how this new chain plays out, otherwise we can start another ;D

@tarazkp you have received 50 ENGAGE from @abh12345!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine.

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I'm sure the leagues will bounce back on Hive. As you say, wait for the dust to settle!

They've just cancelled fucking exams, that's a large chunk of my income down the drain for the next three months! I need to make my transition to money-less living asap!

One things I can clear up:

Screenshot 20200318 at 19.21.04.png

They've just cancelled fucking exams, that's a large chunk of my income down the drain for the next three months!

Shite :( And any earnings here could be vastly reduced also. I thought 2020 was supposed to be a good one!

Cheers for the Ibruprofen text. I've got loads of these (and they are on the shelves) but keep hearing not to take them. Can't find paracetamol for love nor money at present!

That was just from the BBC website - I did wonder when you mentioned it.

I think a lot of people are going to be struggling a little in the coming months!

Maybe now is a good time to really give up on those take out coffees!

I've been reading the BBC a lot too - missed that one.

Perhaps this week is the time to go all out on the take-outs - next week you may have no option but to home brew!

Maybe - I do have a very large jar of instant coffee I bought for work, hopefully I won't have to fall back on it, that really would signify a crisis.

I guess I'm going to have to cancel my planned social weekend in Bristol too.

Terrible times for sure. I just hope I have a job in a few months time, pretty buggered rent-wise without!

Well here's hoping, can't hurt to have a plan B though, who knows what the long term effects of this things gonna be!

Things are a mess. I'm no good with changes, but it seems like I have no choice than deal with everything that's going on.
One thing that isn't really changing: official lock down or not, I'm limited to my own home anyway, lol. I always thought I was pretty immune to media hype, but when I got a cough a couple of days ago, I found out this entire situation is really messing with my head.

As for the things that are going on here: it makes me sad to know the community will be splitting up; some are eager to move to Hive, some won't. Double the tokens, half of the people??? I don't know what to think, tbh...

Anyway, stay healthy, Asher.

I am also not good with change, but have just about had enough time in here to be OK with what is to come.

It's a different matter in the outside world, which still looks very unsettled...

I'm hoping that most will migrate to hive, the worker bees do their bit and the Hive grows into something awesome - like what we had planned with Steem, but better :)

Cheers, be safe!

So, what is the current feeling? Are we allowed to spam the Steem chain for the next 3 months? It will take at least that long to exit for me. Be my angel and demon at the same time and suggest Asher. I want this thought to be public. I am not suggesting one way of the other, but simply asking for peoples opinion...

I think it would be ok to cross-post whilst they are deciding what to do / powering down. No need to spam unless you are 100% on leaving - I think Dan is keen to support both chains, for now, I think.

Personally, I think I'll just be posting on Hive and perhaps give a couple of send off posts while I'm powering down.

You will only post on steem if you are "allowed" to post!

As we speak, blocktrades, hive-io posts that I have re-steemed have disappeared from steemit. They can't even be searched.

They do show up on steempeak though.


Well, it is typical of his actions so far. Good riddance!

Hello Asher, though didn't get in on EL, I was mostly barely keeping my account active for a while now, you have been a support. I am feeling nostalgic with all the going ons. Thank you for all that you do and it is my hope that on Hive there will be people like you to continue the good work.

The feeling of nostalgia has hit me of late too. Thank you very much for the kind words and I wish you a successful journey ahead.

I wish you the same.

It will be sad to see the end of The EL, which has long been my favorite piece of "staple" content in the Steemosphere. But I also well understand your need to take a break from it...

I'm one of the many who'll be migrating to HIVE — at least the bulk of my activity. Unlike many, I will not be "dumping" my Steem. Instead, I'm taking a more risky approach of powering down and waiting to exit till one of those (I believe inevitable) moments where JS & Co. will initiate a massive pump as part of their exit stategy... I will try to ride that "wave" out, and then put the proceeds to work at HIVE. My experience has been that too much "monkey see, monkey do" behavior leads to everyone losing.

I'm going to play that one softly... but then, I don't have a huge stake to worry about.

I'd take that ibuprofen warning with a grain of salt. One of Mrs. Denmarkguy's close friends is a Biochemist at MIT and they are working around the clock. So far, the best things you can do are preventive. So far, what they've determined is that Vitamin C and Melatonin (a natural sleep cycle stabilizer) makes people less attractive hosts for COVID-19. This is not "released" information because people will overdo it and excessive doses are a health hazard.

Ultraviolet light kills the virus, but can't really be used on humans... BUT, in the same way as the above can be preventive, going outside on a sunny day and getting adequate vitamin D, can give you a slight edge.

We're in Washington State which also happens to be where Patient Zero in the US was found, and it remains the most heavily impacted corner of the US. Everything except pharmacies and supermarkets are closed; only restaurants with take away service are allowed to stay open.

Stay safe over there... these are uncertain times.

Thank you for the kind words @denmarkguy :) I has a similar comment today on Discord and these comments are truly appreciated.

I will not be "dumping" my Steem. Instead, I'm taking a more risky approach of powering down and waiting to exit till one of those (I believe inevitable) moments where JS & Co. will initiate a massive pump as part of their exit stategy
I have exactly the same idea in mind too, as I have little to try to dump before the likely mass offloading that will happen tomorrow.

Thank for the not about Ibruprofen, I do take a vitamin tablet and a little vitamin D in the duller months and so hope my immune system is in good shape should the worst happen.

This does look rather worrying from your part of the world:


All the best to you and yours.

You could take over the beer post!!! :0D

We're on total lockdown up here, is a bit mental. Working from home and all that jazz. I wonder how sustainable it is, not that there is much choice.

It will be a shame to see the league go but I hope that the engagement it sustained won't be lost.

I'll drink em, you review em (and drink em)!

Yeah the Scots went in early with lockdown. You could see Boris's plan but I think (like most of them) it'll backfire and our confirmed cases will skyrocket this next week.

It's a shame for me, I'll have to resort to writing n shit!

Let's just drink em and sod the reviewing!! :0)

I hope it helped up here but I don't think it was early enough, there was too much confusion. I feel quite sorry for the older folk they are terrified.

Get that writing hat on :0)

Aye :D

Glad my old lady is locked away on the quiet coast of Mallorca, hopefully she'll be reet over there.

I'm thinking about a new career in beer drinking comedy, any tips? :)

Thanka for your contributions and great data that helped Steem blockchain. Onward!

Thank you very much, let's go!

We live in interesting times. I've been lurking around reading about things and, while I don't post anymore, I do still play Splinterlands, and I still read things to know how things are going. Changed up my Witness Votes to support those with real people behind the computer.

Your point about Arcange and the database is well taken. I've wondered how things like Steem-Engine and all the dapps are going to fall. Are they all going to move en masse to Hive? Will some stick around on the STEEM Chain? And will they each make announcements so we know where to find them going in to next week?

More questions than answers seem to be out there right now. All I can say is stay safe, stay healthy, and enjoy the ride as best you can.

Cheers Mike, good to see you are lurking and still involved with the chain, as we currently know it.

Ideally, SteemSQL, Splinterlands, and all the tribes will migrate over to Hive, and Sunny boy will be left with a shell and a selection of high-quality spammers. The plans to remove downvotes, after we as a community had discussed the ins and outs for over a year, on Steem were the final straw for me. It is likely to be an absolute shitshow!

Hoping all is well where you are, stay safe.

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