Does Vaping Help or Harm Pregnant Smokers Trying to Quit?

in Ulogs8 months ago

New study suggests vaping could aid smoking cessation without harming mom or baby

A shocking new study from Queen Mary University of London suggests that vaping may help pregnant smokers quit without posing health risks. The findings challenge widespread recommendations against using e-cigarettes during pregnancy.

vaping pregnant smokers

Vaping Helps Pregnant Smokers Quit

Researchers found that pregnant smokers who used nicotine replacements like patches or e-cigarettes were much more likely to quit smoking. After the first trimester, the birth weights of babies born to vapers were no different than those of non-smokers.

Meanwhile, babies born to women who smoked cigarettes throughout pregnancy had significantly lower birth weights. This suggests vaping does not restrict fetal growth like smoking does.

Is Nicotine The Problem, Not Vaping?

The study indicates that many smoking risks come from chemicals in cigarettes rather than nicotine itself. Lead author Professor Peter Hajek explains:

"The harms to pregnancy from smoking, in late pregnancy at least, seem to be due to other chemicals in tobacco smoke rather than nicotine."

Since vapes contain nicotine without most cigarette toxins, they may avoid smoking's pregnancy risks.

However, more research on long-term vaping and fetal health is still needed. The FDA does not currently approve vapes as smoking cessation devices either.

Study Details

The researchers analyzed pregnancy outcomes for 1,140 English and Scottish smokers wanting to quit. None used other nicotine products beforehand.

Participants fell into 4 groups:

  • Abstainers who quit smoking
  • Reducers who cut smoking by 50%
  • Dual users who vaped and smoked
  • Smokers who continued smoking

Cotinine tests confirmed users' nicotine intake and smoking status.

In addition to higher birth weights, babies born to vapers had fewer respiratory infections. This may result from vaping's antibacterial effects.

Vaping Still Controversial

Major health agencies advise against vaping while pregnant. Nicotine passes through the placenta and may impair fetal brain and organ development.

US guidelines also warn that vape chemicals and toxins could potentially harm the fetus. More research on long-term fetal impacts is needed to settle this debate.

Still, this study shows vaping could provide a safer alternative for pregnant smokers struggling to quit. Further evidence may lead to updated recommendations.

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