Plantdemic: A hobby restored

Hi everyone! This is my first time to post here and I like to share with you one of the remarkable experience I had during this pandemic.

I grew up learning that my grandparents were both farmers and fishermen. When I was a kid, I always see my father tilling a small part of land at our backyard. the next months, he will start to harvest some leafy vegetables. During summer, he would go to town bringing some old unused tires of trucks. And when he comes home, he brought a trycycle loded with rubber pots. He said, it is a good time to plant flowering and ornamental plants.
From then on, our house would be full of potted plants, may it be flowering, ornamental or vegetables. Anywhere we go- because we do not have a permanent house back then- we always make sure, we bring along our plants. My father said, it relieves us form the different stresses.
And then many years passed, I have a family of my own, an own house and an own backyard.i have'nt paid so much attention about planting until this pandemic came. Everyone was stucked as if time have stopped. Suddenly, buying, selling, trading of plants are everywhere. And I for one, was one those "plantmama" who hurriedly scrolled my facebook for new plants in store.
I have not realized I spent too much money, too much time in all these plantdemic craze. Until my husband told me that maybe it's time we sell some of our seedlings.
It is not plantdemic after all, I said to myself, It is a hobby restored.

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