Greetings to you all happy and hardworking people of this wonderful and fundamental community #newcomerscommunity, it's such a pleasure to be back here again to complete my achievement 5 task 2 today which basically has to do with understanding and reviewing the steemscan in details.
Honestly I am really happy to be making this post because as I was preparing this post and reading the research materials provided by @cryptokannon I was able to get a better understanding of how the steemscan platform works and now I can now start running certain transactions with which I did not usually do before.
Steemscan is a basically the platform that allows steemians (steemit users) to be able to explore certain intricate part of the steemit platform or the steem block chain any steemian or steemit user who completed his achievement 5 tasks should be able to make use of the to check blocks, accounts, and other activities on the Steem block chain network.
The steemscan is basically the algorithm and mechanism that ensures and facilitates transparency in all the transactions and activities carried on the steemit platform and the steem block chain network, seeing as with it steemit users verify transactions, keep track on and monitor account balances, and ultimately the steem block chain statistics.
Under the section known as "latest transactions" there the steemscan enables steemians or steemit users to to see every and all successfully concluded and executed transactions on the steem block chain or the steemit platform, basically like comments, votes, resteem etc.
Dapps is basically short form for decentralized applications which operates based on the decentralized steem block chain, these applications makes use of and take advantages of the decentralized nature and structure of the steem block chain such as its scalability and its transactions that operates without cost or fees.
This compilation of applications on the steem block chain utilizes the steem's consensus mechanism (proof of brain) and other robust and advanced mechanisms to provide and offer the steem with incentives to take part in the steem block chain and offering easy access to these steem users.
Click on menu and select quick convert.
Enter the amount of steem you want to exchange.
• Choose the Crypto you want to convert your steem to such as USDT, BTC or TRX.
• Enter the withdraw address to which you want your converted crypto to be sent to.
• Click on create order
• Confirm the transaction by inputing your active key in the steem login section.
I will like to thank @yohan2on for the well detailed and easy to understand post which he made, discussing in details about steemscan also @cryptokannon has also helped me a alot with his post from my first achievement post or task to this present achievement task.
With my new found and clarified knowledge of the steemscam website and platform I will be sure to take advantage of it and be more effective in monitoring and tracking activities on the steem block chain.
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Thanks alot sir.