Achievement 4 by @saimnasir Task : Applying Markdowns

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Asalam-u-alaikum Steemit

Asalam-u-alaikum to everyone, today's I will be posting my achievement 4 task, so let's begin without any further ado.


Pollution Due to Urbanization

Pollution. What is pollution? In simple definition pollution is the introduction of any contaminants that prove harmful to the natural environment. Pollution can take any form , it can be any substance or energy. One of the things that is causing so much pollution is urbanization.

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Urbanization is the process of development of different places into cities. Urbanization has some positive impacts but there is some negative impacts as well. To begin with, urbanization has many causes. Industrialization allows a lot more job opportunities for people of rural areas. Furthermore better health care, high ranking school, colleges and universities makes the city life much more easier. As a result, cities are more attractive. Although urbanization has many positive impacts, it also shares negative aspects of societies. Due to urbanization cities get more crowded and problems like over population in small cities becomes a big issue. It is also becomes difficult to provide clean water and sufficient food for people living there. It also causes sound and air pollution to raise due to the burning of fossil fuels and usage of automobiles.

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Image taken from Google

More dangers of urbanization includes the factories alot of smoke that causes air pollution which further causes sever lungs diseases. They also contaminate rivers, oceans by the discharge of chemicals into the rivers and oceans which makes the water not suitable for consumption, they also create alot of noise due to the heavy machinery that is being used in the factories. As a result there is a lot of waste materials and it's very detrimental to the environment.

Pollution and the Ozone layer.

Origin of Ozone.

Ozone is a natural occuring substance which was created accidentally by a German scientist Christian Friedrich Schönbein

According to Wikipedia,

It was while doing experiments on the electrolysis of water at the University of Basel that Schönbein first began to notice a distinctive odor in his laboratory. This smell gave Schönbein the clue to the presence of a new product from his experiments. Because of the pronounced smell, Schönbein coined the term "ozone" for the new gas, from the Greek word "ozein", meaning "to smell". Schönbein described his discoveries in publications in 1840. He later found that the smell of ozone was similar to that produced by the slow oxidation of white phosphorus.The ozone smell Schönbein detected is the same as that occurring in the vicinity of lightning storms, an odor that indicates the presence of ozone in the atmosphere.

Wikipedia source

Ozone layer is a layer that is present above of our earth atmosphere, in the the stratosphere. The ozone layer protects earth from the UVB radiations of Sun. But due the the increasing chlorine atoms into the atmosphere from the pollution is damaging the ozone layer. Damaging ozone layer causes the holes to form into this ozone layers.


In the end I would just like to say that due to some poor governance decisions, the cities have been rise of informal settlements and slums, which creates unsafe working and loving environment. Vehicular emissions needs to be the priority in most of the cities and the primary focus should be to reduce the production of solid wastes.

So that's it for my achievement 4 I have applied several markdowns and tried to make my presentation as clean as I could.

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 3 years ago 

Hi, @saimnasir,

Your post has been supported by @sm-shagor from the Steem Greeter Team.

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